
Unimply military

Posted under Tags

BUR #20029 has been rejected.

remove implication japan_self-defense_force -> military

Contrary to previous topic #14279

As what the wiki of military stated, it should be used for realistic and appropriate depiction of militaries beyond mere military-styled outfit and mere presence of vehicles.
On the reality, the military implication to this "organizational" name does not actually make sense. The JSDF tag has been used for things that simply mention the origin of certain character or just the text on images. Such as post #6645491 (not even a single appropriate JSDF uniform, personnel, or activity is visible, but just a weapon and name). Even worse, most posts that contain a furry mascot Omaneko and this tag as on post #6510745 for example (there's visually nothing to do with military - except its copyright). Seriously?

For similar reason, we do not implicate the rest of real life armed forces like Soviet Army or United States Marine Corps with military. There may be a chance of such tags be used when there are only the emblems and names of respective armed forces being present on an image.
Feel free to think about this issue.