
[Touhou] Expanding Character Collection Pools (Changing Seasons, Wan Squad, Animal Realm Yakuza)

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BUR #19468 has been rejected.

mass update eternity_larva sakata_nemuno komano_aunn yatadera_narumi 4girls -> pool:2739

I'm going to use this thread to poll a few specific questions about some of touhou's older character collection pools, and if they should be expanded with new or specific characters. These BURs are just one subset of the images that would get in = If people accept these BURs, I'll change the description of the pool accordingly and seed the changes as best I can. The first group involved is the first four stage bosses of Hidden Star in Four Seasons, and pool #2739 - the changing seasons pool.

Currently, said pool only contains one character or group for each season:
- Yuuka for Summer
- The Aki sisters for Autumn
- Lily White for spring
- and Letty (and sometimes normal cirno) for Winter.

But each of the first four stages of bosses in HSiFS are directly associated with a season as well
- Eternity Larva with Summer
- Sakata Nemuno with Autumn
- Komano Aunn for Spring
- and Yatadera Narumi for Winter

This leads to posts like post #6010120, where each is shown with their season. There are also posts where the classic seasons overlap with the new cohort, e.g. post #2969675.

TL:DR; Should the Bosses of the four Seasonal stages of Hidden Star in Four Seasons be included in the Changing Seasons Pool?


BUR #19469 has been rejected.

mass update hakurei_reimu tanned_cirno shameimaru_aya kirisame_marisa 4girls hidden_star_in_four_seasons -> pool:2739

Similar to the above, this is asking if the seasonally-aligned forms of the playable characters in HSiFS should be added to the changing seasons pool.

- Hakurei Reimu for Spring.
- Kirisame Marisa for Winter.
- Shameimaru Aya for Autumn.
- and Tanned Cirno for Summer.

I've seperated this for one reason in particular: You can get a lot of posts featuring this quartet in these designs by searching for the playable command pool #2233 and the HSiFS tag. With that said, there are still many posts where they are shown with strong seasonal themes, like post #4549431, and there's also a few posts where both the HSiFS playable characters and bosses are both associated with their seasons, like post #2993483.

BUR #19470 has been rejected.

mass update mitsugashira_enoko komano_aunn wolf_spirit_(touhou) -> pool:15544

This one's a simpler one. Should the Wolf Spirits be counted among the dogs of the Wan Squad of Gensokyo?

(By extension, this would also imply the Eagle Spirits should count to the bird Youkai group.)

The search will update just one post currently, post #6626585, which is undeniably about canines. This search is used to minimise risk of contanimation from everyone-is-here-style posts.

Reason I think this counts is, while they're not commonly shown with two other dogs, there's still plenty of posts which conflate them with the dogs individually (like post #3612755). The corresponding nyan clan also includes some very niche cats, like the cat form of the Yin-yang orb in post #620971. The wolf spirits have appeared in two main games now, and are referenced in a third, so I think they're fairly prominent at this point.

BUR #19471 has been rejected.

mass update tenkajin_chiyari mitsugashira_enoko son_biten 3girls -> pool:18978

This one's also a simple question, but does invite some deeper ones: Should the new living allies of the animal realm yakuza clans be added as members of the Animal Realm Yakuza pool?

The deeper questions being:
A: should the spirits also count?
and B: do you just need any combo of yakuza, or all three known yakuza groups represented? Thats not been a question until now because there's only been three named characters in the pool.

C-light said:

The first group involved is the first four stage bosses of Hidden Star in Four Seasons, and pool #2739 - the changing seasons pool.

Currently, said pool only contains one character or group for each season:
- Yuuka for Summer
- The Aki sisters for Autumn
- Lily White for spring
- and Letty (and sometimes normal cirno) for Winter.

But each of the first four stages of bosses in HSiFS are directly associated with a season as well
- Eternity Larva with Summer
- Sakata Nemuno with Autumn
- Komano Aunn for Spring
- and Yatadera Narumi for Winter

This leads to posts like post #6010120, where each is shown with their season. There are also posts where the classic seasons overlap with the new cohort, e.g. post #2969675.

TL:DR; Should the Bosses of the four Seasonal stages of Hidden Star in Four Seasons be included in the Changing Seasons Pool?

The only one of these characters with an actual association with a season outside this incident is Eternity. The other three are only associated out of happenstance. Being associated with a season is not the same as being a "representative". The pool was meant for characters that care about the changing seasons (and Yuuka because there wasn't anyone else for Summer), and the only one of these four that would is Eternity.

C-light said:

Similar to the above, this is asking if the seasonally-aligned forms of the playable characters in HSiFS should be added to the changing seasons pool.

- Hakurei Reimu for Spring.
- Kirisame Marisa for Winter.
- Shameimaru Aya for Autumn.
- and Tanned Cirno for Summer.

I've seperated this for one reason in particular: You can get a lot of posts featuring this quartet in these designs by searching for the playable command pool #2233 and the HSiFS tag. With that said, there are still many posts where they are shown with strong seasonal themes, like post #4549431, and there's also a few posts where both the HSiFS playable characters and bosses are both associated with their seasons, like post #2993483.

None of these characters are representatives of those seasons outside of this one incident, and even in the context of that one game they're not "representatives" in the way the pool was intended for. Aya has always had Autumn themed art because of elements in her designs, but she's never been considered a representative of it the way the pool was intended for, why should she be now? She doesn't care about Autumn any more than Reimu cares about Spring. Half of the posts don't even fit the pool because they're not interacting, they're just together in the image. Read the pool description.

C-light said:

This one's a simpler one. Should the Wolf Spirits be counted among the dogs of the Wan Squad of Gensokyo?

(By extension, this would also imply the Eagle Spirits should count to the bird Youkai group.)

The search will update just one post currently, post #6626585, which is undeniably about canines. This search is used to minimise risk of contanimation from everyone-is-here-style posts.

Reason I think this counts is, while they're not commonly shown with two other dogs, there's still plenty of posts which conflate them with the dogs individually (like post #3612755). The corresponding nyan clan also includes some very niche cats, like the cat form of the Yin-yang orb in post #620971. The wolf spirits have appeared in two main games now, and are referenced in a third, so I think they're fairly prominent at this point.

Nyan Clan includes niche cats because a single member level user edited the description and added that one post, without any discussion that I could find. It should be obvious that these pools are intended for commonly drawn, typically humanoid characters. Adding nameless felines/birds/canines to the pools just dilutes them. These are pools meant to skirt around the two tag limit and allow you to find art featuring multiple characters that are commonly drawn together due to shared traits that would be hard to find otherwise for the average user. That's why they always have a three character minimum. They are not just for posts that are "undeniably about canines."

C-light said:

This one's also a simple question, but does invite some deeper ones: Should the new living allies of the animal realm yakuza clans be added as members of the Animal Realm Yakuza pool?

The deeper questions being:
A: should the spirits also count?
and B: do you just need any combo of yakuza, or all three known yakuza groups represented? Thats not been a question until now because there's only been three named characters in the pool.

This one confuses me because the pool clearly explains what it's for, so I don't understand where these questions are coming from. The one post this BUR would affect doesn't even fit the pool description, nor would it make sense to include those three characters when the pool is specifically for the three leaders interacting in a familial way. Every post features all three. You're not expanding it, you're completely changing it.

You keep making all these propositions, trying to change pre-existing pools beyond their intended scope, but you've hardly provided any reasoning why these changes would actually be a benefit. All but one of your BURs affect only a handful of posts, and most of the posts that would be affected would never qualify for the pools even if they were expanded to include these characters. Even if I agreed with these ideas I would still have to downvote these BURs on that fact alone.

If there are actually a fair number of posts that might justify redefining these pools you should be presenting those, not asking us to agree or disagree to nebulous changes with no concrete evidence for why it could be a good idea.