
nuke collarbone

Posted under Tags

BUR #19322 has been rejected.

nuke collarbone

Yet another tag that has been ruined by pedantic users. This tag at the moment is completely useless. There's no way to search for pictures where the collarbone is detailed or the focus, because every single picture where you can barely see the lines under a character's neck (ie, every single post) has this tag.

Let's nuke it and start again with a new tag if we must.

Collarbone is hidden by clothes often enough that I still want a separate tag; I search this all the time. Even when it's not detailed it's still hot. Keep the tag and make a new tag like chiseled collarbone, collarbone focus, or defined collarbone. I'd also rename it to clavicle but the alias is there so whatever.
If we nuke it, then we'll need tags like visible collarbone, collarbone peek, collarbone under clothes, or simple collarbone.

It's also more intuitive to tag/search hoodie collarbone than hoodie no_shirt, and the latter doesn't even guarantee collarbone.


How would I find the following posts if no one tags no shirt, no undershirt, naked hoodie, or nearly naked hoodie? I don't even know which ones are appropriate to add. Even if they are tagged correctly, I'd have to guess and choose, use the disjunctive operator, or make multiple searches just to find the same collarbone posts.

Most posts under hoodie collarbone, really. How many of these even meet the "defined collarbone" criteria like post #5159093 and post #6523037? None? I still want to find them by the collarbone. Is post #6481775 defined enough? It can be ambiguous. What if it's still a simple line but drawn in a shape that's very anatomically correct so it looks more defined like in post #6446623 or post #6528179? All collarbones are notable, no matter how simple they're drawn.

I belive collarbone is an ambiguous tag like ponytail or panties if we use in a search trying to hit for an specific character is practically impossible found something in particular but the tag is necessary at least I belive that