
A tag for a character getting romantically involved with two+ copies of the same character?

Posted under General

As far as I know, we lack a tag for this concept. The closest way to search for it is (~dual_persona ~multiple_persona) (~yuri ~yaoi ~hetero ~bisexual_female ~bisexual_male ~futa_with_female ~futa_with_male ~futa_with_futa ~futa_with_cuntboy ~cuntboy_with_male ~cuntboy_with_female ~cuntboy_with_cuntboy) -selfcest which isn't ideal (it's long, dual/multiple persona often get mistagged for multiple_views, selfcest is sometimes untagged).

I preliminarily made favgroup #25904, but:
1) It's still a massive work in progress.
2) I added those posts to the favgroup based on what the posts looked like from this search: dual_persona ~hetero ~yuri ~yaoi -selfcest status:all limit:200 - I wouldn't be surprised if some posts in that search were mistagged, and characters depicted are actually twins or lookalikes... but I can't know every copyright.
3) I don't know what the actual tag should be named. The favgroup name is only a placeholder, and doesn't account for posts like post #6617816.
4) I don't know if this tag should be limited to romantic/sexual situations, or should platonic ones like post #5183773 be covered too (or maybe a different tag could be made for it?).

Is this a viable concept to create a tag for?


I don't think clone and dual/multiple persona are inherently contradictory tags, though? Clone is just a specific subset of dual/multiple persona (that doesn't imply any of them).

And I don't think this potential tag should only be limited to 1:1 copies, anyway.

dual persona: Two different versions of the same character... If the instances of the character are identical, use clone instead.

clone: Two or more instances of the same character in the same scene. The instances should be completely identical and wearing the same outfit.

Wikis say they're mutually exclusive, but most people just use dual persona for everything. Saber and Saber Alter are dual persona, two Sabers is clone.

It's important to know this because it complicates what you're trying to find even more than your suggested search already does.

On a related topic, it looks like multiple persona is being tagged on posts in that favgroup like post #6571938 where there are many clones present, but the wiki for that tag says "If the instances of the character are identical, use clone instead."

Should we remove that sentence from the wiki or edit it to something like "If the instances of the character are identical, use both this tag and clone"?

I don't see that there would be much point in creating a separate "multiple clones" tag, though I wonder if there's a better name for the multiple persona that doesn't incorporate the word "persona."

Honestly I agree with removing that clause from the wiki. It seems to be causing more trouble than good.

Anyway, I found a post that seems like a weird edge case - post #5442746. I'm not sure if this is supposed to be tagged as selfcest or added to the favgroup; on one hand, both the "recipient" and those slime girls are the same character, Komeiji Satori, but on the other, the slime girls have quite a different vibe from the "recipient", almost as-if they were different characters...


7HS said:

I don't see that there would be much point in creating a separate "multiple clones" tag

It makes more sense to me than creating a dissonance between what dual persona and multiple persona apply to. They're separate because they're for separate concepts. I really wish we would stop trying to muddy existing tags instead of just making new ones.