BUR #18740 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
mass update cut_cat -> original -cut_cat
rename kua_(cut_cat) -> kua_(cougar_(cougar1404))
rename silui_(cut_cat) -> silui_(cougar_(cougar1404))
rename pfirsia_(cut_cat) -> pfirsia_(cougar_(cougar1404))
We don't just make copyright tags for every original comic or concept artists create. At least in theory; Some users seem intent on flooding the site with copyright and character tags for literally everything just because the artist provided a name. Cut_cat -cougar_(cougar1404) returns zero results, and I couldn't find any evidence this "series" even has anything related to it beyond a few character designs. It should be tagged original. If someone really wants to group these images together, it should be with a pool. Additionally, the characters should be qualified with their artist, not a copyright that's seemingly little more than a twitter hashtag.