BUR #18317 has been rejected.
create implication backboob -> from_behind
wiki already basically implies that it's an requirement
Posted under Tags
BUR #18317 has been rejected.
create implication backboob -> from_behind
wiki already basically implies that it's an requirement
Should art like post #5932093 count as "from behind"?
Yes, I think reflections count as a view from behind.
Does it count as from behind if it's a from above view of a character on stomach?
There are too many edge cases. Just look at backboob from_above.
LQ said:
Does it count as from behind if it's a from above view of a character on stomach?
I should hope not, and if we want to treat them as not mutually exclusive (don't) there's a lot of gardening to do. 1582 posts for from_behind from_above solo, and 268 for backboob from_above... These kinds of broad implications that work based on assumption usually aren't a good idea.
The bulk update request #18317 (forum #247682) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.