
Megastructure implications

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BUR #17952 has been rejected.

create implication dyson_sphere -> megastructure
create implication floating_castle -> megastructure
create implication floating_city -> megastructure
create implication space_colony -> megastructure
create implication space_elevator -> megastructure

The tag megastructure is currently used as a catchall tag for any kind of absurdly large buildings and structures. Though thare are also a handful of megastructure types that get its own tag. To make the tag covers all type of megastructure, I think an implication is needed to link them together.

Note: I'm considered implicating Death Star from Star Wars as a megastructure, since it's literally an entirely artificial moon-sized weapon, though I would like to hear your comments whether if you wanted to consider it a megastructure or no.

IMO models and miniatures of such things would not be megastructures.

Floating castles arent necessarily megastructures. Im uncertain if space elevators are automatically considered structures, if there is a space station at the end, sure but some are held up by sci-fi magic. Some of our floating cities consists of unconnected flying buildings.

The space colony wiki needs to be rewritten, thats not what that means. The wiki refers to something like a space habitats, which again can be made quite small.