
Tail holding vs prehensing

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BUR #17920 has been rejected.

remove implication holding_with_tail -> prehensile_tail
create implication snake_bondage -> prehensile_tail

1) Tails can hold by virtue of stiffness or contol, without prehension:
post #6093831
post #5910405
post #5885266
post #5661201

tail_wrap similarly implies neither holding_with_tail nor prehensile_tail:

When a character's tail is wrapped around someone or something.

A nonprehensile tail could still be laid in a wrap.
post #5892114 is "around" but not touching.

However, prehensile_hair does not imply grabbing:

Hair that is capable of movements by thought

Whereas prehensile_tail does:

A tail capable of holding or grabbing.

Some harmonization might be required here.

2) Bondage without prehension would be using a snake as rope? Doubtful.
And in fantasy there is no telling the snake body from tail, anything below the head is considered tail.

post #5892114 is not tail wrap, it's tail around own leg
And i would guess the reason why prehensile tail has to to with grabbing while prehensile hair doesnt is because it's just abnormal for hair to do anything else than just hang from the head, unlike tails, so for prehensile tail to be useful, the tail has to do something more notable than merely moving like a cat's tail would.
And imo snake bondage should just get aliased to constriction, the differenciation is unnecessary
But i guess the examples given do make an argument against the holding_with_tail -> prehensile_tail implication