BUR #17920 has been rejected.
remove implication holding_with_tail -> prehensile_tail
create implication snake_bondage -> prehensile_tail
1) Tails can hold by virtue of stiffness or contol, without prehension:
post #6093831
post #5910405
post #5885266
post #5661201
tail_wrap similarly implies neither holding_with_tail nor prehensile_tail:
When a character's tail is wrapped around someone or something.
A nonprehensile tail could still be laid in a wrap.
post #5892114 is "around" but not touching.
However, prehensile_hair does not imply grabbing:
Hair that is capable of movements by thought
Whereas prehensile_tail does:
A tail capable of holding or grabbing.
Some harmonization might be required here.
2) Bondage without prehension would be using a snake as rope? Doubtful.
And in fantasy there is no telling the snake body from tail, anything below the head is considered tail.