BUR #17595 has been rejected.
mass update caterpillar_tracks -> tracked_vehicle
create implication tracked_vehicle -> caterpillar_tracks
create alias continuous_tracks -> caterpillar_tracks
create alias tank_tread -> caterpillar_tracks
create alias tank_tracks -> caterpillar_tracks
The current tag for tracked vehicle is caterpillar tracks, which is quite inconvenient since you have to specifically type either "caterpillar" or "tracks" first before this show up. Plus, there's currently no alias for tank tread/tracks despite it's more common term applied to military vehicle, and that not all tracked vehicle uses caterpillar tracks.
So, my proposal is to rename the "caterpillar tracks" into simply "tracked vehicle" by making the former tag into an alias of the latter, since 99% of the post with this tag is either a tank or a tracked construction vehicle. Then made the aforementioned words into an alias instead.