
alias unconventional_weapon -> improvised_weapon

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Although they seem to be the same thing, I think the former is meant for things that are indeed weapons but simply unusual. The latter is instead explicitly not-weapons being used as a weapon.

It's a very granular definition that I think is very clearly missed and undertagged in both cases, but combining them would result in bad tagging. Most of unconventional weapon is currently Hawks' feather sword. That's not an improvised weapon. It is explicitly a weapon that just so happens to be running on anime-comic book power. post #4350181, for example, is very clearly a trident themed as a candelabra rather than a literal candlestick being used to smack someone. Yet it's tagged improvised weapon instead of unconventional weapon, though likely more because the image predates the tag. We have pool:Weird_Weapons and I wonder if unconventional weapon is meant to be a more mild version of that pool.

Rather than an alias, I think what stuff actually is needs to be sorted out first.