
Concerning ship tags

Posted under General

There are many artists, especially on Twitter, who will tag their ship art with just the ship name between the characters. For example, some people who draw yuri of the Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko may just tag their art as "#Eimiko", as seen here and here.

For cases like these, should we add "Eimiko" in the "other name" field for both Raiden Shogun and Yae Miko? It would be so when we upload images like the ones listed above, it'll automatically show who the two characters drawn are.

sadodere said:

Alright, thank you! I just wanted to make sure. I'm guessing this wouldn't apply if the ship name is something super generic and common?

Yeah, obviously, as well as if the ship name is something that isn't unique to one ship.