
Disambiguating SR-2 submachine gun

Posted under Tags

BUR #16733 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

rename sr-2 -> sr-2_veresk
rename sr-2m -> sr-2_veresk

The SR-2 (Russian: СР-2; standing for "специальная разработка 2", Spetsialnaya Razrabotka 2, lit. "Special Development 2"), codenamed Veresk (Russian: Вереск; literally "heather") is a Russian submachine gun firing the 9×21mm SP-10 (SP stands for Spetsialnyj Patron, lit. "special cartridge") armour-piercing ammunition (also known as the 9×21mm Gyurza)

Source: IMFDb

There are other tags bearing the similar name, like the Normandy SR-2 (fictional spacecraft name) and SR-2 Udav pistol.
Visually speaking, SR-2M is basically a minor "modernized" variant with additional vertical foregrip. Would you consider aliasing instead as a better option for such a miniscule tag?
I considered asking here instead of manually renaming it (someone said such action is discouraged).