
Let's take a look at our own posts. - Hasty typing

Posted under General

Danbooru's tag autocomplete feature is very efficient - tags that previously had to match the spelling of a word or the order of words to be found were recently updated to search for tags with similar names, making it even easier to use.

When uploading from mobile, I tend to type and then touch on the searched tags to select them, but when uploading from PC, I tend to type on the keyboard and press [tab] to complete the tags.

The problem arises here. I usually have the image open on one side and the tags on the other, but in my haste to type, I accidentally tab on the first tag when the one I want is second on the list.

Probably the most common examples are photoshop_(medium) and medium_breasts.
There are over 700k posts tagged with photoshop, but I don't recall intentionally tagging a single post I've ever uploaded with that tag. yet post #6252822 became one of those examples this morning.😥

Other tag examples would be cow and cowboy_shot. I woke up this morning and notice that someone had corrected it, thanks @Neiri.

What other similar examples can you think of?

Added: ant and antenna_hair


I can't give you good examples right now, I mostly see it with random arttags because that's what I care to check. I noticed that some mistags I removed from posts, when not done by a mintagger copying tags from similar posts, are probably done by pressing tab or down + enter, if not wrongly selected on mobile.

i've noticed quite a few cases like that and i'm sure there are more that i flew over without noticing
There was one time where i myself accidentaly went with cow instead of cowboy shot but thankfully i noticed it before validating the post, other times where i've seen posts with a brown skirt for example being tagged brown shirt instead, or other color tags with clothing starting with the same letter