
Danganronpa character romanizations

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BUR #16217 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias towa_monaka -> towa_monaca
create alias touwa_haiji -> towa_haiji

As of currently, Monaca's name uses a mixed romanization - surname romanized like it is in the English game release (Towa, vs original Touwa), and given name romanized literally (Monaka, vs Monaca in the English version).
Haiji, a character that shares her surname on the other hand, uses a hard "literal" romanization rather than the official game one.

Danganronpa Wiki - Monaca Towa
Danganronpa Wiki - Haiji Towa


Well, not exactly - technically the Funimation subtitles did use that romanization for Monaca, but generally the game's localized romanizations are preferred in the DR community. Unsure if "Touwa" was ever used as an official romanization, though.

No, I mean it. I searched for "touwa haiji" and google offered me to correct it to "towa haiji", and "monaka" seems to be almost exclusively used by art aggregators, which all inherited the name from us due to danbooru being the upstream to all of those sites.

BUR #16249 has been approved by @nonamethanks.


create alias fukawa_touko -> fukawa_toko
create alias kirigiri_kyouko -> kirigiri_kyoko
create alias oogami_sakura -> ogami_sakura
create alias oowada_mondo -> owada_mondo
create alias kuzuryuu_fuyuhiko -> kuzuryu_fuyuhiko
create alias kuzuryuu_natsumi -> kuzuryu_natsumi
create alias souda_kazuichi -> soda_kazuichi
create alias tanaka_gandamu -> tanaka_gundham
create alias asahina_yuuta -> asahina_yuta
create alias kemuri_jatarou -> kemuri_jataro
create alias andou_ruruka -> ando_ruruka
create alias gekkougahara_miaya -> gekkogahara_miaya
create alias mitarai_ryouta -> mitarai_ryota
create alias amami_rantarou -> amami_rantaro
create alias hoshi_ryouma -> hoshi_ryoma
create alias keebo -> k1-b0
create alias monofunny -> monophanie
create alias monotarou_(danganronpa) -> monotaro_(danganronpa)
create alias ouma_kokichi -> oma_kokichi
create alias saihara_shuuichi -> saihara_shuichi
create alias shinguuji_korekiyo -> shinguji_korekiyo
create alias toujou_kirumi -> tojo_kirumi

Realized that we have quite a bit of other characters that aren't romanized according to the game/official material.
Unsure what to do about Princess Buuko, given her localized name is actually quite different from her original one - Princess Piggles.
Also leaving out Danganronpa 0 characters and a bunch of DR3 student council members, as DR0 never got an official localization, and all those minor anime characters are too hard to track down.