BUR #15761 has been rejected.
create implication black_tail -> tail
create implication brown_tail -> tail
create implication green_tail -> tail
create implication grey_tail -> tail
create implication orange_tail -> tail
create implication pink_tail -> tail
create implication purple_tail -> tail
create implication red_tail -> tail
create implication white_tail -> tail
create implication yellow_tail -> tail
Case: Attires such as shirts, skirts, dresses and hats already have well-established colour implications. Tails should follow this trend as their post count increases. This implication should make future posts with (coloured) tails more complete
On a sidenote, there also exists silver tail with a tally of 4 posts, which perhaps should follow the fate of other "silver" tags, like silver hair (which was deprecated) or silver eyes (which was aliased)