
Wiki search timeout

Posted under Bugs & Features

I'm unable to view a wiki page ( stitched ) due to search timeout, even entering the address directly. This limitation seems tied to automatic search for images with the coresponding tag. Decoupling the two or defaulting to serving just the wiki page itself without images in the event of timeout could get around this issue while still preventing increased server load.

The timeout page message:
"Members are limited to searches that take up to 3 seconds long. You can upgrade to Gold to increase your search limit to 6 seconds long."
Just as a rough guess/speculation, it seems that when it goes to load the wiki page it also wants to populate the "posts" section with a certain number of images, maybe if the tag count is non-zero it has to find at least 1? If use of the tag is too sparse or too far back in an index to get the min count for the posts section, it fails and redirects to the timeout page. Preventing reading the wiki.

Talulah said:

topic #23397. It's a known issue, nothing we can do but hope the dev fixes it somehow.

Alright. Tested this workaround from that thread:

Nameless_Contributor said:

Until this is fixed you can just do a regular tag search and use the wiki tab above the gallery grid. Most of the time this will not time out.
