
Deprecate fantasy

Posted under Tags

BUR #15621 has been rejected.

deprecate fantasy

Unlikely continuation of previous topic #21205. Fantasy by itself should be rendered vague and redundant. The reason is that inexperienced users might've tag any images depicting unrealistic setting with fantasy. In fact, most animanga, movies and video games are fantasy-based. This is not akin to medieval, magic, science fiction, horror (theme), or cyberpunk etc.. Those theme-related tags that shows more distinct visual cues. This site is opting for the more visually-descriptive tags as possible. To me fantasy is as vague as the deprecated action.
Please do not hesitate to message me if my you saw something wrong with this issue.

It's all about visually descriptive values and redundancy, since I saw there are clearer tags.

Can admins please check this again for further consideration? Thank you.


Pokeball99 said:

users being idiots shouldn't be a valid reason for getting rid of a tag

It actually can be if it's a consistent systemic issue.

Fantasy encompasses far too broad and far too nebulous a subject to be useful as a tag. While you could expect Tolkien/D&D style things in it, the reality is that for every fanciful landscape or pretty hippie elf picture, there're a bunch of pictures of some girl getting goblin raped, random League of Legends porn, sometimes a random Pokémon, and Kill la Kill characters in biomecha armor.

Coming to a definition that is both agreed on and usefully taggable is not something I can imagine us actually doing. Other genre tags are also aesthetic tags, making them far easier to use and police.

though, tbh, I still find science fiction almost in the same boat

HeeroWingZero said:

Sci-fi does at least have a few subgenre tags like cyberpunk to fall back on, which I'm not sure fantasy has. Would it be worth making a high fantasy tag to encompass the kind of classic fantasy aesthetic you mentioned?

Is there a specific name for the more fantastical style like Oz or Alice with talking animals? Fairy tale seems like a distinct subset as well though it isnt a tag.

If we're going to keep this tag, we need to garden it and define it far more succinctly. It's still a useless tag encompassing yugioh troll rape, Remilia in a bathtub, bestiality rape, and some girl drowning all in the first page. I understand that post #6208680 is probably someone's fantasy, but I doubt anyone actually uses this tag for searching.

zetsubousensei said:

Is there a specific name for the more fantastical style like Oz or Alice with talking animals? Fairy tale seems like a distinct subset as well though it isnt a tag.

By advertisement and listings, The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland are considered fantasy movies and fairy tale book. Part of the problem with genre tags is that most genres like this are based on story content, not visual imagery. Low Fantasy, Magical Realism, and Urban Fantasy are indistinguishable visually.

The ideas of breaking it into constituent parts wouldn't be a bad one if we could nail down medieval fantasy vs. urban fantasy vs. something else.