
Get Metadata for Banned-Artist Favorites?

Posted under General

Is there a way I can retrieve information about banned artists whose posts I had favorited? I'd like to try to hunt down a couple posts I vaguely remember favorite-ing, but I don't remember the artist names. I'm not trying to get the images themselves--I mostly want the artist tags, and I'd like to know if there's a better way to try to find them than by looking through the list of banned artists at random to see if anything rings a bell.

The best I've been able to do is run a search on my favorites with banned_artist (which doesn't show the artist tags in the tag list), hit "random," see what post ID comes up, and use Wayback Machine to load a scraped copy of the page...but that's pretty inefficient, and the query times out half the time anyway.

I've already found forum posts with scripts to clean them out of my favorites, but I'd like to track them down first where possible.
