BUR #14710 has been rejected.
deprecate cartridge
create alias cartridge_case -> shell_casing
- Albeit the Wiki page for cartridge does not mention the word ambiguous, I think using the word cartridge to describe "Food for T-dolls" is still ambiguous in context of images, while the clearer ammunition is available. In context of non-lethal cartridges, there are already game cartridge, film cartridge and so on. Meanwhile we do not have ink cartridge tag.
- Why do we have two tags for the same object? While shell casing has thousands of posts compared to cartridge case.
- There's also rifle cartridge. The tag has a Wiki page, but less than 20 posts. What should we do with that tag? Should we keep it as separate specifier for rifle ammunition (visibly bottlenecked ones)? Should we rename/alias it into rifle ammunition? Or should we merge by aliasing it into ammunition?