
Cartridge vs. ammunition

Posted under Tags

BUR #14710 has been rejected.

deprecate cartridge
create alias cartridge_case -> shell_casing

  • Albeit the Wiki page for cartridge does not mention the word ambiguous, I think using the word cartridge to describe "Food for T-dolls" is still ambiguous in context of images, while the clearer ammunition is available. In context of non-lethal cartridges, there are already game cartridge, film cartridge and so on. Meanwhile we do not have ink cartridge tag.
  • Why do we have two tags for the same object? While shell casing has thousands of posts compared to cartridge case.
  • There's also rifle cartridge. The tag has a Wiki page, but less than 20 posts. What should we do with that tag? Should we keep it as separate specifier for rifle ammunition (visibly bottlenecked ones)? Should we rename/alias it into rifle ammunition? Or should we merge by aliasing it into ammunition?


-1. Cartridge is an ambiguous term, used arguably just as often when referring to ink and film receptacles. The first few Google image results for "cartridge" are bullets, but scroll past those and the majority are ink cartridges used in printers.

Additionally, deprecating a tag then aliasing it immediately afterwards achieves nothing. If you wish to move posts and a wiki but leave a tag deprecated afterwards, then the deprecation line should come at the end of the BUR

AngryZapdos said:
-1. Cartridge is an ambiguous term, used arguably just as often when referring to ink and film receptacles. The first few Google image results for "cartridge" are bullets, but scroll past those and the majority are ink cartridges used in printers.

Unfortunately there's still no tag that clearly describe an ink cartridge. Sorry, but are you are in favour of keeping the cartridge tag that describes ammunition?

Talulah said:

Ammunition is a very broad term. I don't necessarily think it's ideal to remove the distinction between cartridges and other types of ammo.

You did a make correct point. Apparently after I checked the Wikipedia page, ammunition is really broad, and regular firearm cartridge (including shotgun shell) are one of them. So it's OK if you are against deprecating cartridge. Please feel free to change my BUR in favour of better ones, before rejection. I'm all open to others' viewpoints.
Thank God you reminded me that a more specific cartridge does exist. Apparently I did a mistake by missing cartridge when tagging several posts depicting guns and ammunition.