BUR #14071 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias beretta_m9 -> beretta_92
create alias beretta_92fs -> beretta_92
The only noticeable difference between Beretta 92 and M9 (which is used by the US Army under this designation) is the dust cover shape. While the 92FS remained visually almost indistinguishable at a glance.
This is not the same thing as aliasing all Kalashnikov rifle-related tags like the AK-47, AKM, AK-74 and more into a single AK tag. Those are visually very distinguishable.
On the contrary, we don't use such tags as Desert Eagle Mark I or Desert Eagle Mark XIX to describe such specified variants of the Desert Eagle. We don't even use the tag M1911A1, instead we stick to a more general M1911.
Should we consider aliasing both into a single "catch-all" tag, or should we keep those variant-specified tags separate?