
Are Hololive Error chartags really necessary?

Posted under Tags

BUR #13882 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

nuke Misora_Shino
nuke Shirayuki_Inari
nuke Natsuno_Hanabi
nuke Ibara_Saki
nuke Yukihara_Touka
nuke Karamomo_Suzune
nuke Furukawa_Nanase
nuke Shiromi_Yae
nuke Fukami_Shiina
nuke Omori_Honoka
nuke Shinomiya_Sakura
nuke Nekomiya_Yuka
nuke Inukai_Akane
nuke Ukai_Kaoru
nuke Tokiwa_Kana

These tags are pretty much just padding, they are visually indistinguishable from their regular vtuber counterparts other than wearing the aogami high school uniform, which isn't even a good indicator, since the holos do occasional normal streams wearing the uniform (which has also lead to fanart referencing one of those streams getting tagged with the Hololive error chartag on occasions)

Damian0358 said:

Since the wikis are still intact for the tags which had 'em, and they include Other Names, should someone move the Other Names to their respective VTuber (and possibly as well to the Aogami High School uniform and Hololive Error tags)?

Sounds good, go ahead.

I'd like to dispute this but since it's been about a month and the tags are mostly lost already, feels like it'd just fall on deaf ears anyway...

But nuking the character threads removes the entire difference between the Vtuber persona and the actual characterisations from within ERROR (like Inari (Fubuki) and Shino (Sora) in various posts). I've argued it before elsewhere, the characters in ERROR are not the Vtuber girls however much they look the same. That's all of why I added those tags to begin with.

Paraemon said:

I'd like to dispute this but since it's been about a month and the tags are mostly lost already, feels like it'd just fall on deaf ears anyway...

But nuking the character threads removes the entire difference between the Vtuber persona and the actual characterisations from within ERROR (like Inari (Fubuki) and Shino (Sora) in various posts). I've argued it before elsewhere, the characters in ERROR are not the Vtuber girls however much they look the same. That's all of why I added those tags to begin with.

You can't tag characterization, specially when the only way to tell them apart is an outfit that is not even exclusive to the ERROR versions.