BUR #13729 has been rejected.
mass update ~nepgear ~purple_sister -> -choujigen_game_neptune
mass update ~uni_(neptune_series) ~black_sister -> -choujigen_game_neptune
mass update ~ram_(neptune_series) ~white_sister_ram -> choujigen_game_neptune
mass update ~rom_(neptune_series) ~white_sister_rom -> -choujigen_game_neptune
mass update ~pururut ~iris_heart -> -choujigen_game_neptune
mass update ~pish ~yellow_heart -> -choujigen_game_neptune
mass update ~tennouboshi_uzume ~orange_heart -> -choujigen_game_neptune
mass update adult_neptune -> -choujigen_game_neptune
This request has been seperated into several lines for the purpose of seperating characters for readability. It may alternatively be written with every character in a single "or" statement.
The characters targeted by this request were added to the Neptune series with additional game releases while being tagged with choujigen_game_neptune, which refers to the first game of the franchise. At the time of the first game's release, these characters did not exist yet.
Nepgear, Uni, Ram and Rom along with their HDD forms were all introduced in the second game of the franchise, choujigen_game_neptune_mk2.
Similarly, Pururut and Pish were only introduced in the third game, kami_jigen_game_neptune_v.
Finally, Uzume Tennouboshi and Adult Neptune were only introduced in the fourth game, shin_jigen_game_neptune_vii.