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Should we allow AI art?

Posted under General

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feline_lump said:

We're still seeing cases of people accidentally uploading AI art on here because the source simply didn't specify they used AI (the latest: post #5712826). Realistically, could we enforce a ban without punishing users too often for accidental infractions?

If you ask the same question in a few years the answers you read will be drastically different compared to today's thought. (The images you will see will not be so easily recognizable as real or unreal.) AI has capacity for unimaginable entropy. If it is capable of producing images that cause this thread - there will always be conflict, as we are dealing with something not human and which possesses great potential for improvement, given enough time and resources.

It was thought that art would be the last thing it touches - yet it's one of the first things it took for granted (as per man's request...)

Most AI-generated images should be avoided. post #5713542 is unrelated to anime (nor is the "artist" a prominent/good anime artist) and has an inexplicable third strap (something a human wouldn't normally do) indicating lack of retouch or ability to do so. To repeat: aibooru now exists and Danbooru shouldn't be used as a dumping ground for the majority of content found there.

I am actually curious for a future and ability to feed character sheets with multiple views and sketches (that aren't just frontal standing portraits) to generate from. I'm not mad at AI itself for existing.

EDIT: 2 of 4 mrcatjak posts are on-topic thus approved, but 3 of 4 posts contain weird watermarks. QC issues like this is why content from users who are otherwise not Danbooru material tend to be unsuitable even if I'm gatekeeping out "not real artist".

Obst said:

I am also in favour of banning 100% AI-generated art. Such art is only going to become more prevalent in the near-future, and it'd be better to nip it in the bud early.

AI-assisted art should be considered on a case-by-case basis as is currently done, being not dissimilar to existing photo background posts, where the focus is on the hand-drawn elements.


As the generators get better and faster it will probably flood the site if it's outright allowed, having a separate website for AI-generated images would be better, hoping that, that site will have good taggers as well since I imagine AI generated image quality will surpass most images on Danbooru in a few years.

Given the current situation in topic #22205, I think it's best to ban ai-generated content for now. I've added it to the list of prohibited content in the upload rules and deleted all existing ai-generated posts.

My qualm with this is I think it will be very difficult to enforce. There are already cases where it's impossible to tell a post was AI-generated. Most people who have uploaded it so far have done so unknowingly because they were genuinely fooled by it.

There's also a blurry line between ai-generated and ai-assisted, and I think this line will only get blurrier in the future. I think eventually tools like inpainting and outpainting and background generation will be built into Photoshop, and it will become normal for artists to use them even for normal artworks. It will be just as pervasive and unremarkable as CGI is in films, or as people using FaceApp to make their Instagram photos look better.

On the one hand, it's a pity to lose out on good art...

...But on the other, they kinda asked for it by going for the association play without talking with the bloody website. Can't really be mad at dan for nuking them when the program owners decided to be dipshits about it.

Till the next piece of drama folks~

Such a sad state of affairs, the content from Danbooru was use to feed AIs, and potentially increasing the trouble of the artists.

I guess there just reinforces the rules we already follow with stuff like paid rewards.

Troykv said:

Such a sad state of affairs, the content from Danbooru was use to feed AIs, and potentially increasing the trouble of the artists.

I am guessing a lot of artists will just stop drawing from this case. It's the worst possible outcome of this bc the AI is studying from here.

Why is it that posts deleted through the normal queue system disappear from the listings outright, and posts that were flagged for being AI generated still show up with a black border in the listings? If AI-generated posts are against the spirit of Danbooru, it makes more sense to outright delete it from the site rather than have it count against users: it makes no sense to make them semi-hidden and adding to the user's deleted count.

InfiniteZenith said:

Why is it that posts deleted through the normal queue system disappear from the listings outright, and posts that were flagged for being AI generated still show up with a black border in the listings? If AI-generated posts are against the spirit of Danbooru, it makes more sense to outright delete it from the site rather than have it count against users: it makes no sense to make them semi-hidden and adding to the user's deleted count.

They both disappear outright. It depends on whether or not you have 'show deleted' setting enabled or where you're viewing. Recent posts on your user profile will always be shown even if deleted. And I agree the situation is shitty and our current solution is not sufficient (and will just get worse).

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