Oniii-chan said:
We should just state that child tag shouldn't be used in any rating other than general, especially for solo
If it's not safe enough for general and not lewd enough to be loli, then 1girl rating:sensetive should be enough.
No, it really isn't enough. The reason why this issue exist is because people want to find such content where they want a non-lewd loli.
If we just label it 1girl rating:sensitive then it gets lost in the multitude of pics of older women. You would need 3 tags to search for what you want
1girl rating:sensitive and flat_chest which is fine if you have a gold account but most regular members can only search for 2 tags at a time.
and honestly, even when you do all that... those post that come up that we're too scared to label loli or female_child for one reason or another probably should be labeled as a loli anyway, especially something like post #5514359
idk maybe you guys will tell me that she's just petite.
Now alternatively, one could just use 1girl flat_chest but that would just get you back to mostly "lolis" anyway which are mostly explicit on the site and if the goal is to find non-lewd lolis then it's again lost in the shuffle of unwanted pics.
Also as you can see from this discussion a lot of us draw the line at different points. One guys female_child is another's loli because it's not lewd enough or it meets that threshold of being just lewd enough to warrent the label/tag.
But in my honest opinion, this problem can easily be solved if we take Veradux suggestion and just drop the requirement of lolis and shotas to be used for sensitive.
That way members who want to find such content of a loli-looking girl that's not that lewd can easily do so.
Lastly, as a guy who's very active in these communities nobody ever thinks of these fictional characters as "female child" or "male child". We all use Shota and Loli anyway. Whether the artist is making it NSFW or not. They never ever say "Here's my drawing of a sfw female child" it's usually "Here's my drawing of a sfw loli" only on the boorus do we steer away from such terminology unless it's explicit and I really wish we wouldn't.