BUR #11108 has been approved by @evazion.
create implication blackjack_table -> table
create implication casino_card_table -> table
create implication chabudai_(table) -> table
create implication coffee_table -> table
create implication folding_table -> table
create implication long_table -> table
create implication mahjong_table -> table
create implication operating_table -> table
create implication picnic_table -> table
create implication poker_table -> table
create implication pool_table -> table
create implication roulette_table -> table
create implication round_table -> table
create implication vanity_table -> table
create implication wooden_table -> table
Umbrella tag. These are all from the table wiki under the "Type" category, yet are not implicated. I left out counter, human_table (for obvious reasons) & mixing_table.
I also left out baccarat_table & craps_table for not having enough posts.
table_tennis is listed as a type of table, yet it's referred to the sports, not to the table itself, this should be corrected, since there are cases like post #4810042 where the sports is present but the table itself is not.