BUR #10918 has been rejected.
deprecate naked_chocolate
mass update naked_chocolate -> nude
mass update naked_chocolate -> chocolate_on_body
naked_chocolate is just a combination of the nude and chocolate_on_body tags
Posted under Tags
BUR #10918 has been rejected.
deprecate naked_chocolate
mass update naked_chocolate -> nude
mass update naked_chocolate -> chocolate_on_body
naked_chocolate is just a combination of the nude and chocolate_on_body tags
BUR #10941 has been rejected.
create alias naked_chocolate -> covered_in_chocolate
Then the tag should be named covered in chocolate, otherwise right now it's just random sample posts from nude chocolate_on_body. This way it can also apply to characters who are covered in chocolate despite having underwear and so on.
The bulk update request #10918 (forum #215339) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
The bulk update request #10941 (forum #215428) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.