
alias whore -> prostitution

Posted under Tags

Avoid offensive words in tag names. They might be allowed in aliases.

Avoid profession tags. Uploaders sometimes recall the character being a prostitute in canon and make the mistake of using a tag despite lack of prostitution etc. in the image.

Offensive words often gain meanings other than their original one. Whoring has often been used for free sexuality despite the lack of money involved. As new meanings emerge, the old meaning might get forgotten.

I can see how this utility alias might make it easier to find the correct tag.

Avoid offensive words in tag names. They might be allowed in aliases.

yes, thats why im aliasing it like how we aliased trap to otoko no ko

Avoid profession tags. Uploaders sometimes recall the character being a prostitute in canon and make the mistake of using a tag despite lack of prostitution etc. in the image.

that's an issue with the prostitution tag, and prostitute is already aliased to it

Offensive words often gain meanings other than their original one. Whoring has often been used for free sexuality despite the lack of money involved. As new meanings emerge, the old meaning might get forgotten.

this came up in the discord about the word "slut", which has been used both as someone who fucks for a price OR is generally promiscuous
while whore can be used this way, it is overwhelmingly used as "sex for money"
this is why wikipedia aliases whore to prostitution (as this bur is trying to do) and gives slut its own page

The post history is throwing up an error when I try to search for past uses of the whore tag, but the only circumstance where I can realistically envision anyone trying to use it is to vandalize posts of characters they hate. If anything, the tag should be deprecated.

iridescent_slime said:

The post history is throwing up an error when I try to search for past uses of the whore tag, but the only circumstance where I can realistically envision anyone trying to use it is to vandalize posts of characters they hate. If anything, the tag should be deprecated.

its fixed on betabooru[changed_tags]=whore
only seems to be 1 instance of vandalism post #754102, 1 dumbass user #824536, and a few users who didn't know better