BUR #10346 has been approved by @evazion.
deprecate areolae
Is there a genuine use for areolae as a standalone tag? We already have tags for when the areolae is more noticeable or the only visible part of the nipple (large_areolae, areola_slip, dark_areolae and so on). Additionally, 99.99% of nipples posts have visible areolae, so I don't know what actual utility the tag brings.
Looking through the areolae -nipples -large_areolae -areola_slip I'm mostly seeing posts with untagged large_areola, areola_slip and even nipples. Adding nipples to that search just includes a bunch of posts with unremarkable, run-of-the-mill areolae. This tag offers nothing beyond a dumping ground that consists of regular nipples and posts that should have more specific areolae tags instead.