post #9000000 GET!

"Get Danbooru Gold" button doesn't work.

Posted under Bugs & Features

Management does not want to solve this problem.

I want to buy a gold account, so I'm looking for someone who has one on Twitter, etc., but I haven't received a good response.
where do you think i should look for it?
I'll pay for it so someone please let me share the account.

Terms of Service said:

  • Share, sell, trade, transfer, or give access to your account to any other user.
  • Sell or trade privileged user accounts, including Gold, Platinum, or Builder accounts.

Have fun wasting money, I guess.

I'm no cryptobro whatsoever, but reading earlier discussions, especially with the whole how do you know who sent money and who didn't, wouldn't something among the lines of a receipt from a wallet or something like that work? I get that crypto probably isn't the best solution out there, but it sure seems like a solid one in this situation, especially if no payment provider is willing to cooperate.

Please don't sue me over my lack of understanding in the crypto world, I'm not really in it, but if i have to buy like 20 bucks worth of bitcoin, eutherum, or something like that, I'm willing to do so

Honestly, yeah I ditto the other guys. If danbooru can't get any payment processor that transfer regular money to accept them, using crypto would probably be the next viable choice. Lots of other online services use it and it seems viable as a currency choice, like mullvad.

Man, Ive never wanted to give a site my money, and not been able to. Lol

I gather from skimming the posts that they ran into issues with Stripe (go figure), and never got switched over to a new one. But i guess Im just curious why? Are we giving up on the site development or is it something else. Because surely you must have heard of Braintree, whos orders of magnitude better than stripe as a payment processor. And switching would be a breeze. That kind of a change would take me less than a week to finish by myself. Maybe it was already mentioned and I missed the reason, but there are so many options out there.

So, that would seem to suggest its either a dead project or one man show thats become too busy to get it done.

thememelord125 said:

wouldn't something among the lines of a receipt from a wallet or something like that work?

I'll need to be pardoned for not being a crypto expert myself, but there are other sites that take crypto donations in exchange for benefits that I have seen. A way they do this is by generating a unique wallet each time a user accesses the upgrade/donation page. This wallet is then of course tied to that user's account in the backend, and when it receives money the user receives the corresponding privileges.

If nothing else, just some communication regarding the future of upgrades would be nice. Even a quick "it's still being worked on" or "I've decided I don't care anymore" is preferable to total silence.

Better yet, an alternate path to something as simple as a larger tag search limit that isn't "upload ~800 posts" or "be in the right place at the right time" would also be great, but realistically I'm not expecting that to happen.

Builder is more like ~400 uploads, or a few thousand (good faith) tag edits, or a thousand note edits, or a couple hundred forum posts, or any lesser combination of the above if someone appreciates your contributions and recommends you for promotion. And any of that takes like two months tops if you do a little each day.

The alternatives are out there, and while they may not be as pretty as shelling out a quick $20 it’s been well over a year and you should consider how much those 6 extra sex tags mean to you.

BobTheBuilder_v1 said:

Builder is more like ~400 uploads, or a few thousand (good faith) tag edits, or a thousand note edits, or a couple hundred forum posts, or any lesser combination of the above if someone appreciates your contributions and recommends you for promotion. And any of that takes like two months tops if you do a little each day.

The alternatives are out there, and while they may not be as pretty as shelling out a quick $20 it’s been well over a year and you should consider how much those 6 extra sex tags mean to you.

Can builder/ Contributor be taken away? For example if someone got promoted and stopped uploading or tagging could you lose it?

DeusExCalamus said:

Platinum was depreciated. Gold has all the features that Platinum does now.

Is this correct? Platinum had no tag limit searches and my Gold account has a limit of 6.

Anyway, I'd love for an official purchase option to upgrade to unlimited tag searches rather than the current Builder/Contributor route but I completely understand the reasoning behind it.

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