
Making robot an umbrella tag and figuring out android vs cyborg

Posted under Tags

Damian0358 said:

At least when it comes to 'bioengineered' androids, I don't think anyone would see issue with us just repurposing replicant, given the context of that term's creation.

This should be deprecated imo, it's pretty much a canon tag. There's no visual indicator to show that an organic/human character was created artificially, which makes them the same as regular old humans for danbooru purposes.

nonamethanks said:

There's a bunch of things in robot dog that are more like boston dynamic dogs than real robot dogs, but I'm not sure it can be helped unless we turn to obtuse names like realistic robot dog.

the same could be said about human robots, some of them are more like aninated armors and others are more like humans and we are trying to reduce the ammount of ambiguous and obstuse tags.
a better approach imo would be "4-legged robot", that would include cats, lizards and the boston dynamics style robots, in the case of birds or insects and spiders use byped robot + animal robot or insect robot respectively, that way there's no need to make robot cat, robot bird, etc, another approach would be dog + animal robot, i doubt it willl contaminate the animal tags with robots since they don't get as many art as the living counterparts

Going through the robot posts that don't have a more specific tag, I found that my initial assessment of android having 3 sub-categories was somewhat flawed and that there's a 4th category among those posts, which I'll refer to as borderline androids. These are characters like Roboco-san and certain fan interpretations of Curly Brace (see post #5643970), who are largely human-like with only robot ears or mechanical limbs to distinguish them.

This line will at least be easier to draw by deciding whether we want to treat android like the animal_girl/_boy tags (2+ matching attributes to qualify) or like monster_girl/boy (must be largely mechanical). Using the former as the standard would draw the line at Roboco-san (mechanical legs + arms) and disqualify versions of Curly Brace that only have the robot ears, while the latter would draw the line at characters like Mega Man X and Aegis. Of course, this would except posts with visible internals through x-rays, damage, or other means, which would qualify for obvious reasons (examples: post #4997643, post #5487086, post #5769088)

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