
bed_sheet -> bed_sheet only

Posted under Tags

BUR #9716 has been rejected.

create alias bed_sheet -> bed_sheet_only

Something that's bugged me for a while is the routine misuse of bed_sheet. It's supposed to be for when only a bed sheet is visible (as is very common in dakimakura posts), but is commonly added to any post with a bed sheet in it. This misuse is hardly surprising given the tag's poor name, however, which is why I'm suggesting we change it.

I propose changing the tag to bed_sheet_only. The tag's purpose is immediately much more obvious just by looking at it, which should vastly decrease further mistags. It will without a doubt require cleanup, but the longer we leave it as just bed_sheet, the more mistags will pollute it.

Currently, the tags holding sheet and naked sheet imply bed sheet, which seems to contradict the usage listed on the wiki - it's being used as a generic tag for any appearance of a bed sheet.

If we were to actually use the definition from the wiki, I'd suggest instead the name bed sheet background, since that's what it's supposed to be used for. Bed sheet only gives the impression of a bed with only a sheet (no pillow, etc) which wouldn't exactly be the intended meaning

indexador2 said:

If we were to actually use the definition from the wiki, I'd suggest instead the name bed sheet background, since that's what it's supposed to be used for. Bed sheet only gives the impression of a bed with only a sheet (no pillow, etc) which wouldn't exactly be the intended meaning

I know the meme is that autist taggers will use the most literal definition possible without even searching the tag or checking wikis, but even so I don't think users will take bed_sheet_only to mean a bed with only a sheet, no pillows and no blanket.

I will edit the Wiki entry for bed sheet anyway because the current definition and implications do not match as forum #209786 notes.

As of this post, there are whopping 14314 results for bed_sheet bed, and if you really need to search for the current definition, you could just search bed_sheet -bed. Yes, there are many mistags for both bed and bed sheet, but this is still the path of least effort.

Also noticed that there are a lot of overlap between how blanket and bed sheet are used. Maybe naked sheet should be naked blanket
