
[Fate] *_(alter) -> *_alter aliases/renames

Posted under Tags

BUR #9329 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias atalanta_(alter)_(fate) -> atalanta_alter_(fate)
create alias mysterious_heroine_x_(alter)_(fate) -> mysterious_heroine_x_alter_(fate)
rename mysterious_idol_x_(alter)_(fate) -> mysterious_idol_x_alter_(fate)
create alias okita_souji_(alter)_(fate) -> okita_souji_alter_(fate)

With the restructuring of Jeanne d'Arc Alter, it would be wise to update other characters who have the plain *_(alter)_(fate) qualifier and have them written as *_alter_(fate). This will make creating future costume tags for them much less cumbersome, especially when I just made a ridiculous tag like mysterious heroine x (alter) (princess of red bean paste) (fate). I find that way too unwieldy and counterintuitive, and it's probably one of the worst tags I've ever made, IMHO. Cutting out at least one qualifier might clean things up a bit.

The only exception I made was Marie Antoinette (Alter) (Fate) because that's being treated as a placeholder tag rather than an official name. Of course it can be added to the request if there's enough demand.

EDIT: Just realized that okita souji alter (fate) is a deleted wiki. Is that going to affect the BUR?

Note that I haven't included two certain swimsuit variants here:

In my honest opinion, they should be standardized to be more like:

  • saber_alter_(swimsuit_rider)_(fate)
  • okita_souji_alter_(swimsuit_saber)_(fate)

Alas, I'm leaving them alone until at least this request has been taken care of.

Many (if not all) of the Alters are named with the (Alter) in brackets in the game itself, which is probably why the tags were like this in the first place. The only exception I know of is Jalter Lily, who's outright named Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily in game.
Honestly tags like that are going to be long as all hell whether the Alter is in brackets or not, so this really doesn't do anything. mysterious heroine x (alter) (princess of red bean paste) (fate), mysterious heroine x alter (princess of red bean paste) (fate), what's the difference really. I'm not sure why Jeanne d'Arc (Alter) was changed to Jeanne d'Arc Alter in the first place.

nonamethanks said:

Because it becomes bracket hell, hard to read and stupid to look at. If the type moon wiki has no issue calling her Jeanne d'Arc Alter then neither should we.

Precisely. The more brackets we can cut out, the better, since they're a pain to type constantly. I sincerely doubt the actual franchise actually cares about brackets vs. no-brackets, so we shouldn't be so uptight about it either.

nonamethanks said:

Because it becomes bracket hell, hard to read and stupid to look at.

I dunno, just never seen it as particularly hard to read or stupid I guess so the change is just kinda whatever. I do prefer the character_(alter_whatever_whatever)_(fate) model that was already in place for various characters, but it's kind of moot anyway since the change has already gone through for Jalter, I guess.

Admiral_Pectoral said:

It would be easier to search for and tag, so definitely agree.

All of these tags are the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd autofill option before even getting to the parentheses, so it would change virtually nothing when searching or tagging unless you just insist on fully typing out every tag. Even mysterious heroine x (alter) (princess of red bean paste) (fate) manages to make it onto the autofill with only 3 posts without touching the parentheses.

This change is entirely visual, so I don't care much either way, but I'd rather we not pretend like this doing more than it is.

Hm... I was worried about how tags like that looked, but if it doesn't matter in the long run with the autocomplete, then perhaps it's a moot point.

I'll cancel the request then. If someone else thinks there's merit in it, feel free to do another BUR.

I call characters mostly by short nicknames, like Jailter for Jalter Lily's, you get it, joke name. I prefer the brackets, but already agreed with previous BURs and "Character Alter" is an informal but typical way of calling this kind of characters even in Japanese, so whatever. It would be a pain to search for _(alter)_ instead or _alter_ because I'm used to the way tags are right now, but at least most are being aliased.

saber_alter_(swimsuit_rider)_(fate) and okita_souji_alter_(swimsuit_saber)_(fate) are good IMO.

EDIT: Replied too late.

Benit149 said:

Hm... I was worried about how tags like that looked, but if it doesn't matter in the long run with the autocomplete, then perhaps it's a moot point.

I'll cancel the request then. If someone else thinks there's merit in it, feel free to do another BUR.

By all means, this BUR can pass, I'm hardly opposed to it. I don't think "(alter)" looks any worse than "alter", or that changing it to "alter" is some kind of sin, it just has little, if any, practical benefit. I didn't check every alter tag, either, so it may help some not mentioned here, though I doubt it.

BUR #33880 has been rejected.

create alias karna_(santa)_(fate) -> santa_karna_(fate)
create alias martha_(santa)_(fate) -> martha_santa_(fate)
create alias florence_nightingale_(santa)_(fate) -> florence_nightingale_santa_(fate)
create alias florence_nightingale_(santa)_(final_ascension)_(fate) -> florence_nightingale_santa_(final_ascension)_(fate)

Santa servants. Kind of in the same realm as the bracketed alter debate, so stapling it here. Same logic of "using their battle names", which is why Karna's looks backwards.

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