The bulk update request #28942 (forum #294654) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
Posted under Tags
The bulk update request #28942 (forum #294654) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #29126 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
rename centur-ion_atry -> centur-ion_atrii
The bulk update request #29126 (forum #295307) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #30087 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
rename aromalylith_-_rozalina -> aromalilith_rosalina
create implication aromaseraphy_rosemary -> aromage_rosemary
create implication aromalilith_rosemary -> aromage_rosemary
create implication aromaseraphy_jasmine -> aromage_jasmine
Forgot to rename this one. Also include missing Aroma variant implications.
BUR #30152 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
rename obliterate -> obliterate!!!_(yu-gi-oh!)
deprecate obliterate
IDK why Exodia's signature attack is its own tag, but I guess we could keep it since there's a card for it.
The bulk update request #30087 (forum #298736) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
The bulk update request #30152 (forum #298962) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #30786 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
rename moon_of_the_closed_sky -> moon_of_the_closed_heaven
create implication moon_of_the_closed_heaven -> underworld_goddess_of_the_closed_world
Forgot about this one. Also imply to the older form.
The bulk update request #30786 (forum #304774) has been approved by @nonamethanks.
BUR #34932 has been approved by @evazion.
create alias ryzeal_deadnader -> ryzeal_detonator
create alias malice<p>white_rabbit -> maliss_<p>_white_rabbit
create alias maliss_p_white_rabbit -> maliss_<p>_white_rabbit
create alias malice<p>cheshire_cat -> maliss_<p>_chessy_cat
create alias maliss_p_chessy_cat -> maliss_<p>_chessy_cat
create alias malice<p>dormouse -> maliss_<p>_dormouse
create alias maliss_p_dormouse -> maliss_<p>_dormouse
create alias malice<q>hearts_of_crypter -> maliss_<q>_hearts_crypter
create alias maliss_q_hearts_crypter -> maliss_<q>_hearts_crypter
create alias malice<q>red_ransom -> maliss_<q>_red_ransom
create alias maliss_q_red_ransom -> maliss_<q>_red_ransom
create alias malice<q>white_binder -> maliss_<q>_white_binder
create alias maliss_q_white_binder -> maliss_<q>_white_binder
DBP stuff that still doesn't have official names. Also added alias for Maliss cards for findability.
BUR #35578 has been approved by @evazion.
rename lil'_maji_mage -> l_magi_mergy
Forgot about this one.
The bulk update request #34932 (forum #327986) has been approved by @evazion.
The bulk update request #35578 (forum #330903) has been approved by @evazion.