
Ship's Wheel implies Steering Wheel?

Posted under Tags

BUR #8787 has been rejected.

create implication ship's_wheel -> steering_wheel

Ship's Wheel wiki:
A steering wheel that is used exclusively for ships.

Helm wiki:
For depictions of the steering wheel of a ship, use the ship's_wheel tag.

Steering Wheel wiki:
A type of steering control in vehicles and vessels. In the case of vessels, the steering wheel is called a ship's wheel.

These wikis seem to say that a ship's wheel is a type of steering wheel, but the majority of posts tagged ship's wheel aren't tagged steering wheel which seems to mainly be used for car style steering wheels.

The lack of overlap between these posts (only ~30 posts with both tags) seems to suggest that few taggers regard a ship's_wheel as a type of steering_wheel despite their similar function. It would appear that most of us use the term "steering wheel" in the same way Wikipedia does, as a term specifically for land vehicles. This is one case where it appears that our wikis weren't written in a way reflective of how the tags actually get used, so I wouldn't take them as the last word on the subject.

All that said, I'm kind of meh on this implication because steering wheels are rarely a noteworthy part of an image anyway, and I don't think the addition of another ~200 posts to steering_wheel would add much clutter that couldn't be resolved by appending -boat -ship to the search terms.

The consensus seems pretty clear for this BUR (and I can't say I disagree), so I'm probably going to leave it up for a few more days to see if anyone else has feedback, then reject it and update the quoted wikis.

That being said, how do we want to tag posts like post #4278966, post #4549196, and post #4952104 which feature steering mechanisms on boats that more closely resemble those of cars than they do ship's wheels?
Also, there could be a post that features a more modern ship's wheel (like this image from the wikipedia article for ship's wheel) that doesn't really look like a steering wheel or a traditional ship's wheel. If that comes up, should it get its own tag or be lumped in with steering wheel or ships's wheel?
