
Food of Doom pool vs bad food tag

Posted under Tags

Fox/Tamamo™ said:

For me bad_food isn't as bad as "Food of Doom"
"Food of Doom" is much more worst.

That's not a useful metric for deciding how to classify images. Any time we define one tag or pool as "X, but more", there ends up being no practical difference, because taggers will tag based on their own subjective biases. Unless you can draw a clear line between these terms such that an image is unquestionably one or the other, the distinction is moot.

Hillside_Moose said:

Food of Doom has some ostensibly normal food that's nauseating and/or dangerous when closely examined, such as the organ cake or the scorpion burger..

That said, people constantly dumping bad_food posts into Food of Doom doesn't help the redundancy perception.

iridescent_slime said:

That's not a useful metric for deciding how to classify images. Any time we define one tag or pool as "X, but more", there ends up being no practical difference, because taggers will tag based on their own subjective biases. Unless you can draw a clear line between these terms such that an image is unquestionably one or the other, the distinction is moot.

@iridescent_slime Yeah, I'm gotta admit that I don't have a good example to draw a clear line for the different of those.

But for what @Hillside_Moose said as example, I think it's should be clear enough what "Food of Doom" actually is, and why this pool should be kept.


nonamethanks said:

Do we need to keep these separate? At a glance I can't see a difference between the two. The description of the pool is not clear on what the difference's supposed to be.

Actually, There're the different of "Food of Doom" and "Bad Food" (And I don't know how to make it clear enough for everyone to understand.)
For example post #4766561, post #1532155, post #3914359 are just a food that's cooked in the wrong way. (It's a messed up food, but still not that deadly or very disgusting to put in "Food of Doom" pool.)

And there're also some image in "Food of Doom" that will not fit as "Bad Food" either. (Example post #723745, post #591816, post #608721)
As it's about a curtain character get eaten as from description of "Food of Doom" said "things that are being eaten that you really shouldn't eat (objects or other characters)", "food = death or pain"
Those image mean the "Death or Pain" of the character that's being eaten, not the eater one.

Technically, "Food of Doom" pool aren't just about "Bad Food" but it's about "Anything" that likely cause "Death or Pain" to the eater or the one that's being eaten or both.

("An image show curtain character eat the Bomb" this is something that's belong "Food of Doom" pool and shouldn't be tagged with "Bad Food" as a bomb is not a "Food")


So basically, Food of Doom = Things that someone is eating that will probably kill them. It doesn't necessarily have to be food. Examples would be a bomb or a badly-cut pufferfish.
Bad food = bad-looking food. Eg. BotW's cooking mishaps.

I think the difference is clear enough to leace them separate.

A glance at the pool will tell you that the difference is anything but clear to anyone using it. Are we really going to do this again? Please open the tag and the pool in two separate tabs and cycle between them, and tell me you're able to tell the two apart.

Username_Hidden said:

So basically, Food of Doom = Things that someone is eating that will probably kill them. It doesn't necessarily have to be food. Examples would be a bomb or a badly-cut pufferfish.
Bad food = bad-looking food. Eg. BotW's cooking mishaps.

I think the difference is clear enough to leace them separate.

It would definitely need a different name for the pool if that's the way it's going.

nonamethanks said:

Gonna merge these with evazion's blessing.

@nonamethanks Man, I can't believe you just approve this BUR on your own.
Just because some people don't get the meaning of this pool, doesn't mean can just delete it...
I'm already told you that Food of Doom =/= Bad Food.

For example post #539493 post #591816 from Food of Doom pool that's not something that's should be called Bad Food.
(If you want to move those to Bad Food then give a better description that's make those pic can fit with this tags.)

Also, is no one willing to suggest the better description to this save this pool?
Even this pool has been around for almost decade...


As I said, I approved this after evazion gave me the ok, it wasn't on my own.

Changing descriptions won't fix anything if people don't read them. This is especially true for pools, which are no man's land in term of gardening.
The pool and tag were functionally identical. Nobody has ever cared to enforce a distinction in the decade of the pool's existence. Saying that this would've changed just by changing the description is pretty disingenuous.

nonamethanks said:

As I said, I approved this after evazion gave me the ok, it wasn't on my own.

Ok then, if this was the site owner decision.
Sorry about the misunderstanding.

nonamethanks said:
Changing descriptions won't fix anything if people don't read them. This is especially true for pools, which are no man's land in term of gardening.
The pool and tag were functionally identical. Nobody has ever cared to enforce a distinction in the decade of the pool's existence. Saying that this would've changed just by changing the description is pretty disingenuous.

While some people don't read them but some do, you know that...

Nevermind, since it seem no one care.
I rather give up on this one.