post #9000000 GET!

Counter:Side-related Tag renames

Posted under Tags

BUR #8080 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create alias counter_side -> counter:side
rename alex_(counter_side) -> alex_(counter:side)
rename hilde_(counter_side) -> hilde_(counter:side)
rename lumi_(counter_side) -> lumi_(counter:side)
rename miya_(counter_side) -> miya_(counter:side)
rename mone_(counter_side) -> mone_(counter:side)
rename rosaria_(counter_side) -> rosaria_(counter:side)
rename veronica_(counter_side) -> veronica_(counter:side)
rename harab_(counter_side) -> harab_(counter:side)
rename serapel_(counter_side) -> serapel_(counter:side)

The official name for the game is with a colon (like monster_hunter:_world, so either Counter:Side or Counter: Side would be the correct name for the series. I hope it gets renamed to that and the current counter_side be an alias. As for Harab and Serapel, they are currently the only ones with their respective unique names in the website.

Edit: I forgot to mention lily_(counter_side) and lycoris_(counter_side).


A good way to find tags associated to a specific tag is to use the related tags page. In this case, all the top chartags for this copyright with a single word save for gaeun are qualified.

It's one thing when they're unique full names, but it's a really bad idea to have short unqualified names for chartags, because it's pretty much guaranteed that at some point they'll collide with another franchise and be misused. For example if I Google "gaeun" the first result for me is this Korean character, which as far as I can see from a cursory search is referred to as just gaeun in the fandom. I don't find it so hard to believe that there's uploadable fanart of her out there. There's also at least two singers that go by Gaeun, and it wouldn't be the first time we get fanart of asian celebrities.

These aren't even large tags with widely-known characters, they have barely a dozen posts, there's no reason for us to remove the qualifier.

Gaeun/Ga-eun/Kaeun/Ka-eun/Ka-un (same name but different romanization) is a pretty common Korean feminine first name and definitely needs a qualifier.

Actual hanja/Chinese characters may differ but the same can be said of Japanese/Chinese names (and can't be seen when romanized anyway). A Japanese equivalent (that is also common and has a similar meaning) would be "Megumi". "Hiromi" is also kinda close. "Kaon" can be written with the same characters but is not as common. The English equivalent would be something like "Grace".

nonamethanks said:

A good way to find tags associated to a specific tag is to use the related tags page. In this case, all the top chartags for this copyright with a single word save for gaeun are qualified.

Ah, so I assume this is why all genshin characters have the tag despite some of them having unique names. Understood, I'll keep this in mind.

These aren't even large tags with widely-known characters, they have barely a dozen posts, there's no reason for us to remove the qualifier.

I don't think this is a good basis to decide on what to do for the character tags of this series. I would recommend that these get sorted and fixed early on especially that the Japanese server release of this game is within this month, and they're already doing pixiv art contests and various promotions of the game too. Expect more entries to come once that is out.