
Alias off-shoulder_clothes to bardot clothes

Posted under Tags

BUR #7933 has been rejected.


remove implication off-shoulder_shirt -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_shirt solo -> off-shoulder_shirt solo
create alias off-shoulder_shirt -> bardot_shirt
remove implication off-shoulder_dress -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_dress solo -> off-shoulder_dress solo
create alias off-shoulder_dress -> bardot_dress
remove implication off-shoulder_sweater -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_sweater solo -> off-shoulder_sweater solo
create alias off-shoulder_sweater -> bardot_sweater
remove implication off-shoulder_jacket -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_jacket solo -> off-shoulder_jacket solo
create alias off-shoulder_jacket -> bardot_jacket
remove implication off-shoulder_coat -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_coat solo -> off-shoulder_coat solo
create alias off-shoulder_coat -> bardot_coat
remove implication off-shoulder_bikini -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_bikini solo -> off-shoulder_bikini solo
create alias off-shoulder_bikini -> bardot_bikini
remove implication off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit solo -> off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit solo
create alias off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit -> bardot_one-piece_swimsuit
create alias off-shoulder_leotard -> bardot_leotard
create alias off_shoulder -> shoulder_slip

It took a while, but it seems that "bardot" is a fashion term that is synonymous for the more colloquial and familiar fashion term "off-shoulder/off-the-shoulder". Both words are used to refer to tops that are designed with a low and wide-cut neckline exposing the shoulders and upper chest area.

Some examples from Google:

Example 1

Example 2

Example 3

Example 4

Sadly, as much as I prefer the more simple and familiar "off-shoulder" term (like everyone else), many people has been mistagging regular clothes worn hanging off the upper arms as "off-shoulder_clothes", despite the fact that the specific off-shoulder clothes tags are supposed to be reserved for clothes with low and wide-cut necklines (which is true in real life fashion terminology); off-shoulder jacket and off-shoulder coat are the worst offenders of this (see topic #17674), likely because some people think the tag applies via going by the tag name instead of checking the wiki for proper usage. Aliasing the off-shoulder clothes tag may be able to mitigate this.

If we are to do this, then we should unimply off shoulder from all of the former off-shoulder clothes tag, and then alias off_shoulder as shoulder slip, and revise the wiki to clarify that shoulder slip should be mutually exclusive from the former off-shoulder clothes tags when referring to the same clothing.

I don't know if we should fix and alias off-shoulder_kimono or just nuke it entirely, since most of the kimonos under this tag look like they can be pulled up and worn normally, and kimonos don't seem to be intentionally designed to be worn hanging off the upper arms; bardot kimono sounds kinda weird.


Never heard of Bardot Clothes, although obviously know of Miss Bardot. *

Then again I'm not a fashionista although personally finding it unattractive whatever the naming is...



  • Also whilst admiring BB, I'm a France Gall man.

BUR #8102 has been rejected.


remove implication off-shoulder_shirt -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_shirt solo -> off-shoulder_shirt solo
remove implication off-shoulder_dress -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_dress solo -> off-shoulder_dress solo
remove implication off-shoulder_sweater -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_sweater solo -> off-shoulder_sweater solo
remove implication off-shoulder_jacket -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_jacket solo -> off-shoulder_jacket solo
remove implication off-shoulder_coat -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_coat solo -> off-shoulder_coat solo
remove implication off-shoulder_bikini -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_bikini solo -> off-shoulder_bikini solo
remove implication off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit -> off_shoulder
mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit solo -> off-shoulder_one-piece_swimsuit solo
create alias off_shoulder -> shoulder_slip

Alternative fallback option; if the "bardot" aliases could not go though, and there isn't a viable alternate name for the "off-shoulder clothes" in order to mitigate the consistent mistagging, I could just instead settle with aliasing off shoulder as shoulder slip, and make it so that "shoulder slip" is a tag reserved for clothes (that do not have a low and wide-cut neckline) worn hanging off the upper arms, and is mutually exclusive to "off-shoulder clothes".


nonamethanks said:

Those mass updates do not account for pictures of 2+ characters. post #4913353 and post #4898094 for example both have one character with an off-shoulder shirt and one character with an off_shoulder jacket that's not an off-shoulder jacket.

So I guess that means that I have to change the mass update into something like mass update off_shoulder off-shoulder_shirt solo -> off-shoulder_shirt solo?

That way, it would be able to account for posts with more than one character.