
create implication sleeves_tug -> clothes_grab

Posted under Tags

In Danbooru usage, the *_tug tags were used opposite *_lift and *_pull originally.

  • *_lift was for exposure via bringing clothing upward on the body
  • *_pull was for exposure via bringing clothing downward on the body
  • *_tug was for coverage or adjustment by bringing clothing (usually downward, like to cover the crotch)

Sleeve_tug doesn't fit that paradigm all that well, but it too is non-exposure movement of the clothes.

To me, "tug" is a bit gentler of an action than "grab", and "grab" needn't move the clothes, whereas "tug" kind of does. Otherwise they are close to synonymous.

Well regardless we need to settle on which word we want to keep. The other should be aliased to it for discoverability.
I don't mind either way, but I actually never personally knew about the tug tags before, but I do see where Shinji is coming from here.

Shinjidude said:

  • *_lift was for exposure via bringing clothing upward on the body
  • *_pull was for exposure via bringing clothing downward on the body
  • *_tug was for coverage or adjustment by bringing clothing (usually downward, like to cover the crotch)

Yeah, after looking at the rest of the *_tug tags, it does seem this one is the odd one out. There's some others that have several mistags like cape tug, so these tags definitely need a clean-up.

clothes grab says "Also describes lightly tugging on another character's clothes to get their attention, often by someone who is sad or pouting", but it makes no sense that we only reserve "tug" for something done by oneself while the "other" kind of tug goes into "grab".

I don't see any reason why we shouldn't allow *_tug to be applicable to both the subject and others, so long as the same meaning of covering/adjusting instead of revealing/removing still applies. That still preserves the old Danbooru definitions. That said, I'd also be fine with *_grab in these oddball cases like with sleeves, as they are still more-or-less a very similar meaning in English..