BUR #7520 has been rejected.
mass update the_pose -> -the_pose on_stomach legs_up
Terrible tag name, i think it's only known in a select circle of users unlike that pool.
If it shouldn't be nuked, then it should be at least renamed.
Posted under Tags
BUR #7520 has been rejected.
mass update the_pose -> -the_pose on_stomach legs_up
Terrible tag name, i think it's only known in a select circle of users unlike that pool.
If it shouldn't be nuked, then it should be at least renamed.
The name might be bad but it's extremely well known. Nuking it is out of the question.
It also gets 1.25k searches a week.
The bulk update request #7520 (forum #198235) has been rejected by @nonamethanks.
Interesting, I've never heard of the tag or the phrase and agree it's a terrible name. Given the background in the Urban dictionary quote though it's a foot fetish thing so on_stomach legs_up alone is a bad replacement (plus it would seem to also always include other things like soles or foot_focus). It sounds like this is possibly a fixed phrase or meme, maybe just rename it to a qualified the_post_(meme), and provide a wiki page for context?