
Colored eyelashes implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #7229 has been rejected.

create implication aqua_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication blonde_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication blue_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication brown_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication green_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication grey_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication multicolored_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication pink_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication purple_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication red_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes
create implication white_eyelashes -> colored_eyelashes

Implying various colored eyelashes to colored eyelashes.

Obviously black eyelashes don't exist as a tag since that's their natural color, and yellow eyelashes are considered blonde since they're a type of hair. Orange eyelashes doesn't have enough tags to warrant an implication.

I wasn't sure about silver eyelashes since they could fall under white eyelashes or grey eyelashes. Should silver eyelashes be nuked and the tags moved over, or aliased to one of the other two colors?

skylightcrystal said:

I never even knew we had tags for specific colours of eyelashes. I guess it makes sense to, and if we do it's right that the implication is there.

They’re not as populated as the nonspecific colored eyelashes though. There’s also the possibility of making these aliases instead, depending on how much these tags are searched for.

Frankly they're not searched at all. The only one that gets any traffic is white eyelashes, blonde_eyelashes is the second most searched and it had 12 hits in the last 7 days.

I think it's fine to alias them, and have a mismatched eyelashes tag (which I just created) for when they don't match hair color (though that could also be for eyelashes of different color... So not sure what to call such a tag. For now I'll purpose the tag for both cases. If someone has a better idea please say so).


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