BUR #7204 has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.
create alias cless_alvein -> cress_albane
create alias chester_barklight -> chester_burklight
create alias klarth_lester -> claus_lester
create alias rid_hershel -> reid_hershel
create alias collet_brunel -> colette_brunel
create alias genius_sage -> genis_sage
create alias refill_sage -> raine_sage
create alias fujibayashi_shiina -> fujibayashi_sheena
create alias shing_meteoryte -> kor_meteor
create alias kohak_hearts -> kohaku_hearts
'nuff said. We get comments about some of the silly names, like Refill. Almost none of them even have en -> jp aliases, making them painful to search for and tag. Hell, several of the wiki texts use English names when describing the character's traits. Thankfully, later entries in the series stop changing names for localization.
Oh, hey! Reid already has an old mistag. Nice.