
Missing necktie implications

Posted under Tags

BUR #6942 has been approved by @nonamethanks.

create implication naked_necktie -> necktie
create alias necktie_between_pecs -> necktie_between_pectorals
create implication necktie_between_pectorals -> necktie
create implication necktie_between_pectorals -> between_pectorals

Most of these are self-explanatory.
But while going through these tags, I'm really iffy on us having all 3 of necktie removed, loose necktie and undone necktie. They do seem different enough, but do we really need all these distinctions?

Shinjidude said:

I think they're all distinct. Necktie removed could be e.g. on the ground next to a character, undone necktie is untied, but still "worn" by the character (e.g. a salary man draping their necktie around their neck after work like a towel), loose necktie isn't untied at all but is almost a style in itself (think the way Avril Lavigne wears one). They don't really overlap at all.

Yeah, my only problem was probably not knowing undone necktie is a thing. Need to do some gardening later.
Thanks for the input.