
Molcar naming consistency

Posted under Tags

Now that all molcars have had their official names revealed (, we should probably change the current ones for easier searchability. There's just a few hangups:

  • The police and ambulance molcar have inconsistent romanizations. Both are almost exclusively known as "patmolcar" and "kyukyumolcar", respectively (example), but the parco molcar town stickers have them as "police" and "ambulance". Kyukyu also isn't the most intuitive tag name.
  • Different variants have their own listed names, like "Abbey" and "Magical Angel Abbey". Do we care about this? Having multiple chartags for variants almost always winds up being a PITA to manage.
  • How much do we care about the mob molcars? Do they deserve their own tags?

Cattywampus said:

Now that all molcars have had their official names revealed (, we should probably change the current ones for easier searchability. There's just a few hangups:

  • The police and ambulance molcar have inconsistent romanizations. Both are almost exclusively known as "patmolcar" and "kyukyumolcar", respectively (example), but the parco molcar town stickers have them as "police" and "ambulance". Kyukyu also isn't the most intuitive tag name.

This can often be the case for Japanese "products" that don't have an official English localization yet (like all the endless variants of Shirou and Siro back then for Fate/Stay Night). The "English" names are there just for marketing/data entry purposes, so they can be a little arbitrary and can be different when different teams are in charge of doing the romanization.

Anyway, going with the Molcar Anime page (which seems to be the most "official") so far... the police molcar is called 「パトモルカー」, "patomorukaa", from a portmanteau of "(police) patrol car" and "molcar". "Patmolcar" is a good way of rendering the name, and is how the "Pat(rol)" part of portmanteau names are handled anyway like for Patlabor.

The ambulance molcar is called 「救急モルカー」, "kyuukyuumorukaa", from a portmanteau of "ambulance" (kyuukyuusha, lit. "emergency (service) vehicle") and "molcar". Safest is to just transliterate the first part of the name as "kyuukyuumolcar", but if a more memorable tag is required we can instead translate the first part and go with "ambumolcar" or "emergency molcar" (or "ambulance_molcar", for maximum descriptiveness).

(It's the same consideration for other "descriptive-sounding" names without official English localizations too. Or without decent ones. There's some tradeoff between transliterating, resulting in a more consistent name, or translating, resulting in a more meaningful and memorable one.)

Cattywampus said:

  • Different variants have their own listed names, like "Abbey" and "Magical Angel Abbey". Do we care about this? Having multiple chartags for variants almost always winds up being a PITA to manage.

I'm against "automatically" creating multiple "alternate variant" chartags unless there is some necessity for it. An actual alternate self of the character (timeclones, clones, dark personality, alter ego mantle that can be taken up by other people), trying to avoid spoilers, or... begrudgingly if the alternate variant gets enough art of its own that has it as the central focus.

I'm not familiar with those specific molcars though. Are they like the same molcar but with a different paintjob? Or actual different molcars, just the same "model"? Or is it like a mahou_shoujo and her civilian alter ego kind of deal?

Though, in either case, probably no harm giving magical molcar Abbey her own tag. Just one variant and the nomenclature (and low tag count) makes collision unlikely. Only annoyance is the requirement of a potential implication down the road.

Cattywampus said:

  • How much do we care about the mob molcars? Do they deserve their own tags?

Well, probably like mob characters from other series then. if someone think they deserve it, then they deserve it. IMHO, usually all it needs is for one fanart depicting that specific background extra as the focal character of said art. Would be strange not to tag the mob kyara if the art depicts the mob kyara with a central focus and the title and commentary all mention that specific mob kyara.

Usually these kinds of background characters become popular because of some meme or something, like Poorfag.

If it's just the background character acting as a, well, background character, to pad out extras in a scene (like in the source material), then probably no.


So as luck would have it, turns out all the humans have official names too. Only problem is the info is exclusive to the molcar encyclopedia book, or their unlockable entries in the new phone game. Since I wasn't about to drop cash and import the book, I resigned myself to playing their mediocre mobile game for a few days. Here's the list, in order of unlock:


Ep. 2 bank robber: 銀行強盗
Ep. 5 racer: レーサー
Ep. 4 zombie: ゾンビ
Ep. 8 man in fedora: 悪人
Ep. 9 woman being proposed to: コートの女性
Ep. 9 man proposing: 白タキシードの男性
Ep. 10 Abbey's driver: アビーのドライバー(オタク)
Ep. 11 mad scientist and boy: 博士と助手
Ep. 11 cavemen: 原始人
Ep. 1 DJ molcar driver: めいわくドライバー
Potato's driver: おねえさん
Teddy's driver: テディのドライバー
Shiromo's driver: シロモのドライバー
Ep. ??? man in a suit with yellow tie: サラリーマン (I have no idea who this guy is or when he shows up.)
Ep. ??? schoolgirl: 女子高生 (no idea who this is either)
Policeman: 警察官

Most of these seem pretty self explanatory, at least from what I can read. However, they're extremely general, and would likely all need qualifiers. If someone with more japanese understanding wants to look these over and verify what they say, we can decide if these are names we'd want to use going forward. There's also character bios for each, but I didn't feel like transcribing them unless someone would specifically need it.

The things I do for these guinea pigs...

Cattywampus said:

So as luck would have it, turns out all the humans have official names too. Only problem is the info is exclusive to the molcar encyclopedia book, or their unlockable entries in the new phone game. Since I wasn't about to drop cash and import the book, I resigned myself to playing their mediocre mobile game for a few days. Here's the list, in order of unlock:


Ep. 2 bank robber: 銀行強盗
Ep. 5 racer: レーサー
Ep. 4 zombie: ゾンビ
Ep. 8 man in fedora: 悪人
Ep. 9 woman being proposed to: コートの女性
Ep. 9 man proposing: 白タキシードの男性
Ep. 10 Abbey's driver: アビーのドライバー(オタク)
Ep. 11 mad scientist and boy: 博士と助手
Ep. 11 cavemen: 原始人
Ep. 1 DJ molcar driver: めいわくドライバー
Potato's driver: おねえさん
Teddy's driver: テディのドライバー
Shiromo's driver: シロモのドライバー
Ep. ??? man in a suit with yellow tie: サラリーマン (I have no idea who this guy is or when he shows up.)
Ep. ??? schoolgirl: 女子高生 (no idea who this is either)
Policeman: 警察官

Here are what the Japanese text translate as:


銀行強盗: Bank robber
レーサー: Racer (in katakana English)
ゾンビ: Zombie
悪人: Bad guy or "villain"
コートの女性: Coat(-wearing) lady
白タキシードの男性: White tuxedo guy
アビーのドライバー(オタク): Abbey's Driver (Otaku) (Otaku) in parentheses
博士と助手: Professor and Assistant
原始人: Caveman
めいわくドライバー: Bothersome Driver
おねえさん: Onee-san
テディのドライバー: Teddy's Driver
シロモのドライバー: Shiromo's driver
サラリーマン: Salaryman
女子高生: High School Girl
警察官: Policeman or "police officer"

Cattywampus said:

Most of these seem pretty self explanatory, at least from what I can read. However, they're extremely general, and would likely all need qualifiers. If someone with more japanese understanding wants to look these over and verify what they say, we can decide if these are names we'd want to use going forward. There's also character bios for each, but I didn't feel like transcribing them unless someone would specifically need it.

Yeah, agree most of them need qualifiers. Other than the [Molcar]'s Driver names.

Cattywampus said:

The things I do for these guinea pigs...


And thank you.
