BUR #5939 has been rejected.
create alias koteka -> penis_sheath
Generic name preferred.
Posted under Tags
BUR #5939 has been rejected.
create alias koteka -> penis_sheath
Generic name preferred.
It is a specific type of penis_sheath (New Guinea ones made from gourds), but currently there are... zero relevant examples tagged? We only have two examples tagged, and those are penis_sheaths made from horns, therefore not kotekas. The only reason why those two got tagged koteka is because the uploader got confused by somebody else (not the artist) commenting "koteka koteka" on the artist's Twitter post. (c.f. forum #188909)
I think it should just be (manually) 'nuked' instead. Don't think anyone will type koteka anyway, unless it's explicitly mentioned by artist commentary. So an alias would be currently unnecessary.
Of course, if things change in the future, and we get more examples... maybe we can consider an alias or implication then.
The bulk update request #5939 (forum #189182) has been rejected by @evazion.