
category night_elf -> character

Posted under Tags

Obstetrics said:

There's also lightforged_draenei and nightborne, which have a handful of posts. There's a list of playable races: Here

That aside, I would personally prefer the reverse in all race tags becoming general. I don't see a compelling reason to treat MMO races any differently to other ones.

I suppose it's mostly because of the influx of art depicting Mithra and Miqo'te, which often tend to be associated with artist OCs not given any name beyond "Mithra" or "Miqo'te". So their race names sort of become their character names, and those tags here kinda function as a character tag in a sense, which is why they were changed such.

Maintaining the same kind of consistency for other MMO races does... kinda raise some eyebrows though. But not maintaining consistency would too, so... kinda of a damned-if-you-do-and-damned-if-you-don't situation. Though current practice is to turn them all into chartags, so I'm probably going to vote accordingly. But if are going to change them all to gentags instead, I will also support that motion.


NNescio said:

I suppose it's mostly because of the influx of art depicting Mithra and Miqo'te, which often tend to be associated with artist OCs not given any name beyond "Mithra" or "Miqo'te". So their race names sort of become their character names, and those tags here kinda function as a character tag in a sense, which is why they were changed such.

Maintaining the same kind of consistency for other MMO races does... kinda raise some eyebrows though. But not maintaining consistency would too, so... kinda of a damned-if-you-do-and-damned-if-you-don't situation. Though current practice is to turn them all into chartags, so I'm probably going to vote accordingly. But if are going to change them all to gentags instead, I will also support that motion.

forum #186303 related, stance from evazion on such race-tags

Evazion's stance always bugged me because

it feels a little weird to have posts with an identifiable character but no chartag

when the character is not identifiable beyond their race and causes solo pics of identifiable and named NPCs from the games to end up with 2-3 character tags.

A lot of them are not artist OCs, but commissions of player OCs.

Veradux said:

Evazion's stance always bugged me because

when the character is not identifiable beyond their race and causes solo pics of identifiable and named NPCs from the games to end up with 2-3 character tags.

A lot of them are not artist OCs, but commissions of player OCs.

Yeah, I don't think tagging a race as a character makes sense. You'd have to tag Jaina Proudmoore with human (warcraft) for some reason. Any WoW lore character would automatically have 95% of pictures with another character tag just for their race

Maybe say that race tags only get used for unnamed OCs? That way unnamed OCs get a chartag, but named OCs don't get bloated with extra chartags.

Like I said in forum #186303, I don't know if there's a good solution here. On the one hand, we have tags like Miqo'te, which is effectively a placeholder chartag for unnamed Miqo'te OCs. On the other hand, we have tags like Viera, half of which is just Fran from FF12.

This discussion reminds me of how original used to be a gentag, because technically "original" isn't a copyright, it's the lack of a copyright. Similarly, Miqo'te isn't an individual character, but it's treated as a chartag because it's character-like.

I'll go ahead with this for WoW, because as far as I can tell we're already using chartags for the majority of WoW races, and the majority of night elf is already unnamed OCs.

(It would really help if someone who knows about WoW could make a character list in the World of Warcraft wiki so we could tell what we're working with).

I wasted my best years on WoW and unfortunately there's thousands of named characters in that game. However in my experience most art is either of specific "famous" characters, or one-off OCs, so I'm not sure if there's a good way to handle this copyright.

evazion said:

Maybe say that race tags only get used for unnamed OCs? That way unnamed OCs get a chartag, but named OCs don't get bloated with extra chartags.

That would result, as you point out, in axing to a large portion of some races. Would I have to go through and garden Mabinogi + Original + chartags:0 to include character:milesian? Would we have to nuke manakete since we currently have no Fire Emblem OC's of them?

We wouldn't be confused about it if race tags were gen tags.

This discussion reminds me of how original used to be a gentag, because technically "original" isn't a copyright, it's the lack of a copyright. Similarly, Miqo'te isn't an individual character, but it's treated as a chartag because it's character-like.

A while back, I went through mabinogi and tagged every OC with original. I did this because I wanted to be able to search for just the NPC characters while side-stepping the quagmire that is "people commissioning their avatar". "Mabinogi -original" now accomplishes just that. Before doing so, I directly asked what I should be tagging unnamed player character commissions with and was told to use original.

Most original posts have no character tags. I think that original does double-duty here as both a character and copyright tag. People aren't going to see "warcraft original" and sit there wondering which NPC it is. They're going to know that it's someone's player character.

I think it would be far better to switch races that aren't mascots and pokémon-like to gen tags and focus on tagging all those Original Characters as original, even if they're connected to a copyright. As we already do.

The only viable alternative, in my eyes, is creating player_* (or player_character_*, but the former has precedent; alternatively, avatar_* also has precedent) tags for each relevant MMO and turning the race tags into gen tags. That way, you can pair that tag with either a race tag or a class tag in order to narrow down your search (this would also help with some of the complaints I've heard about Monster Hunter tagging and its current method of character tagging).

That still wouldn't change the fact that many race tags are, even with tag gardening, going to be tagged with meta knowledge, canon tagging (same with class tags).