
Fire Emblem weapon renaming

Posted under Tags

Do we have any other cases where objects from a specific copyright are implicated to gentags?

It seems like an inadvisable idea for the same reason we don't implicate characters to copyrights; exceptions and edge cases are too likely. (Say, for example, someone draws Edelgard with a weapon clearly visually inspired by Aymr, but not an axe and instead a sword or something. I think that image ought to be tagged with aymr_(weapon) but not axe.)

7HS said:

Do we have any other cases where objects from a specific copyright are implicated to gentags?

It seems like an inadvisable idea for the same reason we don't implicate characters to copyrights; exceptions and edge cases are too likely. (Say, for example, someone draws Edelgard with a weapon clearly visually inspired by Aymr, but not an axe and instead a sword or something. I think that image ought to be tagged with aymr_(weapon) but not axe.)

Hmm, you're probably right. If even lance_of_longinus isn't aliased to spear or lance, then these probably shouldn't be either. Although I think the handful that don't fit the standard naming scheme should still be renamed.

imply falchion_(fire_emblem) -> sword
imply durandal_(fire_emblem) -> sword
imply armads_(fire_emblem) -> axe
imply yato_(fire_emblem) -> sword
imply areadbhar_(fire_emblem) -> spear
imply tyrfing_(fire_emblem) -> sword
imply failnaught_(fire_emblem) -> bow_(weapon)
imply aymr_(fire_emblem) -> axe

Edited to reduce to just the renaming.

I agree with the first two. Those are distinct weapons in Fire Emblem but are Aymr and Armads are mythological weapons. Some other FE weapons have qualifiers, like yato_(fire_emblem). I don't think Mani Katti needs it, as it is not a mythological weapon and instead random mashing of fun sounds words from two different languages. Levin sword doesn't have a qualifier and that's ok, it's very distinct.

However, none of them implicate the underlying weapons themselves, nor should they. Armads, for example, is actually a sword in mythology and wasn't always an axe even in the game. There was that weird time it was a mattock of some sort. No other specific weapon tag implicates their base weapon.

Please write wikis for these tags. I have no idea what these things are.

7HS said:

Do we have any other cases where objects from a specific copyright are implicated to gentags?

Cross-category implications are not allowed as a general rule.

Speaking of which, I feel like we should have a wiki page "List of weapons in Fire Emblem" or "List of regalia weapons in Fire Emblem", as there sure are a lot, it would be good to have a comprehensive list somewhere. After we have them all in one place, I'd also suggest giving them all the *_(fire_emblem) qualifier


Aqros161 said:

Speaking of which, I feel like we should have a wiki page "List of weapons in Fire Emblem" or "List of regalia weapons in Fire Emblem", as there sure are a lot, it would be good to have a comprehensive list somewhere. After we have them all in one place, I'd also suggest giving them all the *_(fire_emblem) qualifier


Aqros161 said:

Speaking of which, I feel like we should have a wiki page "List of weapons in Fire Emblem" or "List of regalia weapons in Fire Emblem", as there sure are a lot, it would be good to have a comprehensive list somewhere. After we have them all in one place, I'd also suggest giving them all the *_(fire_emblem) qualifier

Ask and ye shall receive.
At least until someone finds another one to add. I probably did miss one or two and should probably order them by game.

It also revealed that Fire Emblem isn't the only one like this, like Yukianesa and Bolverk. The latter is a weapon in FE that has no images on danbooru, but mashing names into the search bar showed it.

BUR #5440 has been approved by @evazion.

rename fuujin_yumi -> fujin_yumi_(fire_emblem)

Different vowel spelling here. Now look at the wiki page now that I've organized and added to it, and you'll see there is some severe inconsistency in the qualifiers. There's (fire emblem), (weapon), (sword), and nothing. I push for making them all (fire emblem), to match the characters. We don't currently have any weapons that share a name with a character, like Naga or some of the Heroes ones, but we'll need to decide what to do with those too.

I agree with using copyright as a qualifier, though I do wonder if, as per the active discussion on the topic in that Genshin thread, we need to qualify certain ones like Sword of the Creator.

A majority of them will need it, as their names are taken directly from mythology.

Username_Hidden said:

Without regard to the Genshin thread, FE consistency is that every character, no matter how unique their name is, must have a qualifier. I would apply this to weapons too.

That's not true, though. While a large majority do, a large majority have single English names. However, the fully named Three Houses characters do not have qualifiers.

Veradux said:

That's not true, though. While a large majority do, a large majority have single English names. However, the fully named Three Houses characters do not have qualifiers.

Right, my bad, only single-name characters have the qualifier.

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