I've been browsing through the entire gallery of danbooru in order to tag some badly tagged ones (I know, I have too much free time, being a freelancer is AWESOME).
Anyway, I've come across a problem of sorts. Maybe there's a way to do this already that I just haven't figured out, but... If I stop browsing now, and come back later to continue, I find that due to the many new uploads, the images have "moved".
I was trying to think of a solution for this and I came up with something like a bookmark. I'll call it earmarking.
Basically what it does is it lets you select an image, and you can just start your searches from that image downward. In my case I'm actually browsing everything, so I would just keep on browsing down. (I don't know if I should add a trac for this, so I'll wait with that until albert says something.)
I made some really ghetto Photoshops (more ghetto than last time) to demonstrate the principle, and a little story!
Here you are at an image, and you were browing the site for all touhou images, but now you have to go to work. You'd really like to continue from here. What to do? Simply earmark it!
Come back home, you wanna continue browsing where you left off. Simple: go to "My Account" and click "Browse from earmark", annnnnd...
As you can see, the site lets you know which image it is and you can remove it there. If you put in a search, it only shows results from there and onward.
Here you're browsing all images, as you can see the earmark is first.
I think using a single earmark would be best, you can always remove it and place a new one, but that way you keep the interface to a minimum. But multiple earmarks might work too, then you'd just cancel the earmark, and not remove it entirely. (Deleting them would then work similar to deleting favorites now.)
I thought about whether integrating it with favorites is a good idea, but I thought that wouldn't work as well since I'd just want to mark the image temporarily. So it wouldn't be a favorite, just a point where I'd continue off from next time.
It'd be useful! Honest! I've wished for it to exist three times today! And I definitely shouldn't be getting some work done instead of this! Absolutely not! :D!
Updated by Shinjidude