
Help With Sorting Out Canvas+Garden Original Characters

Posted under Tags

The artists Miyasaka Miyu and Miyasaka Nako has a couple of original characters that has existed for several years now which all use the (canvas+garden) qualifier, named after the circle they both are in. A few years later they released a game (post #3254564) which includes the majority of these previously original characters so my questions are as follows:

1. Should the old posts be moved over to the new character tags? And are they named correctly since I went with the English version/VNDB when making the tags?

Lira (Canvas+Garden) vs. Niwasaka Rira
Licie (Canvas+Garden) vs. Shionomiya Richer
Ciel (Canvas+Garden) vs. Hoshigaoka Ciel
Coron (Canvas+Garden) vs. Inae Koron

Most of them are practically identical to their pre-game selves except Koron who has cat ears in a lot of old art.

2. Should all old posts with the characters get the game as copyright instead of original even though it didn't exist back then?

Travley said:

I'd like to suggest a way like this: pool #4980 and pool #16002 had been tagged original before the official title came out, as soon as the title ijiranaide nagatoro-san and ganbare douki-chan came, they get mass tagged as the respective latter duo (nagatoro's reference, douki's). So, we could try mass updating them into including the game's title (if the known official title is the game's title)

And I have no idea yet about the chartags.

Good point, it feels like a somewhat similar situation at least.

Indy! said:

no comment on any of the copyright changes, but according to this review Shionomiya Richer should become Shionomiya Rise.
The other names look correct from what else I've read, but I suppose the only way to find out would be playing the game.

VNDB lists her as 汐ノ宮 璃貝 but since I can't read Japanese I don't know how to romanize it, I do know they pronounce it closer to Rise than Richer though so unsure why they went with that in the localization/translation.

Unbreakable said:

VNDB lists her as 汐ノ宮 璃貝 but since I can't read Japanese I don't know how to romanize it, I do know they pronounce it closer to Rise than Richer though so unsure why they went with that in the localization/translation.

Jisho and Google Translate both agree her family name is Shionomiya (汐ノ宮) but her given name seems to be in high contention. Jisho provides a reading for 璃 (Ri) and a couple for 貝, (bai, kai). Google, in its infinite usefulness, calls it "Rurikai".
Both RomajiDesu and Kanshudo agree on Ri (璃) and Kai (貝). Wikitionary provides some readings for 貝, none of which are remotely close to the game's "Rise" or "Richer". It's entirely possible the game's translation team took some random liberties to give her name a more French feel. (Richer in French is pronounced something like "Rishay", which is close to "Rise"? I guess?)
