BUR #4951 has been rejected.
remove implication hypnosis -> mind_control
First of all, real hypnosis is not mind control. In short, it can suppress inhibitions but can't make you do anything you aren't already willing to do (like have sex with a stranger). Many posts on this site depict fantastical hypnosis, but any that depict realistic hypnosis will violate this implication. Moreover, some images (post #4132592, post #4404200) don't seem to depict realistic hypnosis ("Haha, look this way, person I just ran into at the store! I'm waving this coin in front of your face!") but don't show any mind control happening either. The scenario itself may well involve mind control (as the examples I linked seem to be as evidenced by the sex images in their child posts), but the images themselves don't show it happening, thus violating "tag what you see". Finally, some (post #479900) don't show any successful hypnosis happening at all, and therefore definitely don't show mind control, but nonetheless have the theme of hypnosis present enough to warrant the tag.
An example of a hypnosis image that definitely does show mind control is post #1844060.