
Genderswap for androgynous/other characters

Posted under General

Unbreakable said:

Are we gonna get tags for the other way around as well, if we even have any posts to tag them with...

Do we even have a proper tag for visibly genderless characters in the first place, besides the *other tags? ambiguous_gender and androgynous both seem intended for cases where you can't actually tell what gender the character is. The wiki pages imply androgynous may be applicable to characters which lack primary sex characteristics that ought to be visible, post #3213783 being one example I guess, but I'm not sure how commonly used it is for that purpose.

In any case, I'd suggest rolling those into genderswap_(other) or something. Honestly I'm tempted to suggest rolling the newly created tags into one tag like that as well, along with any even rarer edge cases. I'll be blown away if there are ever more than about 500 posts on the site to which any of these tags apply, so I feel like they may be overlooked and not applied to posts that should have them due to sheer obscurity.